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Opening Speech at the 2003 Washington DC Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference

July 26, 2003


First and foremost, let's pay the highest respect toward our greatest and most compassionate Teacher!

Second, our most cordial greetings to our fellow practitioners in China that have been persevering in manifesting the greatness of the Fa under the most inconceivable pressure and persecution!

Third, our most sincere greetings to our fellow practitioners that have come from afar to join us in this special event.


Looking up the immense sky above our heads, we cannot help wondering which part of the universe you and I have come from?

We had once given our most honorable promise that we shall help Teacher rectify the Fa. To carry out our unanimous promise, we have come down to the human realm.

For countless generations of reincarnation and lives on earth, we have left mankind with a divine culture for over five thousands years.

We have waited and endured for millions and billions of years, only to acquire the Fa in this very period of human history.

From the moment we acquired the Fa, we embarked on our journey home and started to reveal our beautiful nature that had been shrouded with dust in the human realm.

The universe is forever indebted for the enormous blessing of our most compassionate Teacher because he has given the universe a second life when it had reached death.

However, the old forces have committed the most appalling crime of damaging the Fa and brought themselves beyond Teacher's salvation.

They naively tried to test Teacher.

They naively tried to destroy the last hope of the universe.

As particles of the Fa, how can we Dafa disciples forget our allegiance in this pivotal moment when the old forces try to damage the Fa and the universe?

Thus we have been safeguarding the Fa with our lives and never in one minute been intimated by the demonic obstacles!

In the face of the demonic fraudulent lies that envelop heaven and earth, Dafa disciples stepped out and clarified the truth about Dafa and destroyed the evil from the root.

Nothing, not even abduction, murder, or torture, can stop Dafa disciples from carrying out our sacred mission of safeguarding the Fa.

Nothing, not even attempted brainwashing, fraudulent lies, or vicious slandering, will make us forget our most glorious Teacher.

The brutal persecution has been forced upon Dafa practitioners like tornados and thunderstorms for four years.

The brutal persecution is now coming to an end.

The final trial for the evil is near.

The sentient beings that have accepted the salvation of the Fa have already boarded the Fa boat to paradise, ready to embark.

"The endless journey has come to a close
And the pervasive haze is gradually dispersing."*

The epic of the Fa-rectification has progressed to the last chapter.

Dafa particles, let us merge into one perfect and eternal body in our Fa-rectification efforts.

Let's grasp all remaining pre-destined opportunities.

Let's manifest our immense compassion.

Let's utilize the wisdom that the Fa has endowed us with.

Let's continue to clarify the truth about Falun Gong and shred the lies of the evil.

Let's continue to send forth righteous thoughts and eliminate all remaining rotten ghouls.

We shall carry out our divine pledge in Fa-rectification efforts.

We shall complete our glory in Fa-rectification efforts.

We shall complete the most important promise as Dafa disciples.

We shall complete the most magnificent chapter in the history of the universe.

* ("New Year's Greeting from Master")