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Taiwan Dafa Practitioner Ms. Chen Xi Is Being Illegally Detained in Shenzhen City, China

July 27, 2003


Ms. Chen Xi, a Dafa practitioner from Taiwan, went to Shenzhen via Hong Kong on January 8, 2002. While distributing Dafa truth-clarification materials in front of Shenzhen University, she was arrested and sent to the First Detention Center in Nanshan District, Shenzhen City.

The local "610 Office" (an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems) attempted to force her to write a "guarantee letter" (statement promising to stop practicing Falun Gong), saying she would be sent back to Taiwan if she did so. However, Ms. Chen firmly rejected their evil requests and persisted in clarifying the facts of Dafa and the persecution to the police and people around her. She told them about the grand spreading and support of Dafa in Taiwan, which is in stark contrast to the persecution and defamation in Mainland China.

In the end, Ms. Chen was sentenced to 4 years in prison. At present, she is still being detained in the First Detention Center in Nanshan District, Shenzhen City.

Upon learning the news of her detention, Ms. Chen's brother came to Shenzhen to try and help her. However, the Detention Center guards did not allow him to see her.
