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Israel: Two Members of the Knesset Write to Chinese Ambassador Urging the Immediate Release of Ms. Xiong Wei

Aug. 10, 2003


15 July 2003

His Excellency Mr. Pan Zhanlin
People's Republic of China
222 Ben Yehuda St.
Tel Aviv

Dear Ambassador Zhanlin,

I have recently met with several Falun Gong practitioners, and Mr. Zion Xiong among them. I was very moved by the situation of his sister, Ms. Wei Xiong. She was arrested in China on January 5th, after handing out leaflets about Falun Gong. I've been told that since then she has been detained in Quinghe Detention Center in Beijing.

I am very concerned about the safety of Ms. Xiong. The Chinese government has provided no evidence of any criminal wrongdoing on her part. She is detained only due to her involvement in Falun Gong, which is a well-respected cultivation practice in more than 60 states, including Israel.

Mr. Zion Xiong, Wei's brother, is willing to do anything necessary to see her in Israel by his side. I strongly urge you, with all due respect, to do everything within your power to see the safe and immediate release of Ms. Wei.

I appreciate your attention to this critical issue, and ask for a prompt response.


Dr. Marina Solodkin, M.K.

*** ***

Jerusalem, June 2003

The Honorable Pan Zhanlin
The Chinese Ambassador to Israel
The Chinese Embassy
222 Ben Yehuda
Tel Aviv

Subject: Mrs. Xiong Wei.

Your Excellency,

I was recently addressed by an Israeli citizen whose sister, Mrs. Xiong Wei is currently staying in a Chinese prison.

I do not wish to question the Chinese legal procedure in anyway, however, in light of the kind friendship between our two countries I plead you to assist in bringing the story to an end and assist in releasing Mrs. Xiong from Prison.

I would be grateful for your kind assistance.

Sincerely yours,

Ophir Pines-Paz