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Persecution of Dafa Practitioners from the Wuqing District of Tianjin City

Aug. 10, 2003


In August 2002, Ms. Hao Yanfen, 47, Dafa practitioner from Majia Village, Xuguantun Town, Wuqing District of Tianjin City, was arrested at her work unit without cause. While at the town government office, she was sitting in the lotus position when the head of the "610 Office"*, Han Shuqiang, kicked her hard enough to cause bruises. A week later, she was sent to the local detention center. After another week, she was sentenced to two years at a forced labor camp. At the same time, other practitioners, Yao Shilan of Dajianchang Town, Xiao Mei of Gaocun Town, Li Honglan of Cuihuangkou Town--all women from the same district of Tianjin City--were also sentenced to the forced labor camp.

Ms. Xiao Mei, farmer, about 40 years old, was arrested by police while putting up truth-clarifying materials. That night, at the police station, she was assaulted by the police every ten minutes. Both her hands were handcuffed to a bed. She had to hold a whip in her mouth, and if the whip did not remain level, she was beaten. Her back and buttocks were beaten till both those areas were covered with bruises.

On November 19, 2002, Mr. Liu Yonghong, around 40 years of age from Sun Village of Da Jianchang Town in the same district of Tianjin City, was arrested by policeman Zhou Rungang. His Dafa book was confiscated and he was detained for fifteen days.

Mr. Fan Jiankun, 46, another practitioner from the Wuqing District of Tianjin City, went to appeal in Beijing in 2000, and was illegally sentenced to a labor camp for one year. At the labor camp, he suffered severe persecution. After returning home, he was often harassed on what the authorities deemed to be politically sensitive periods. During the Party's 16th National Congress, police from the Yangchun Public Security Bureau arrested him and ransacked his home. After being confined in the detention center for eight months, he was finally given his sentence. His family members were not informed, and they do not know where he is currently being held.

*The 610 Office is an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political or judicial systems.