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Panzhihua City Dafa Practitioners Chen Xiangzhi and Zhang Ling Persecuted in Chuanxi Jail

Aug. 10, 2003


Last week, family members of Chen Xiangzhi (a female Dafa practitioner from Panzhihua City, Sichuan Province) went to visit her at the Chuanxi Jail in Hongan Town, Longquanyi, Chengdu City. The person at the reception desk told them: "Chen has not renounced Falun Gong yet, so you are not allowed to see her, she is too stubborn!" Her family protested to see her at once, so the receptionist called Supervisor He of the education section, which is responsible for brainwashing practitioners. He refused the visitation request.

Ms. Chen Xiangzhi was arrested in 2000 after she protested the persecution of Falun Gong in Beijing. She was sentenced to "re-education through forced labour" for one year. While serving her sentence, the police once tied her to a tree and continuously electrocuted her using electric wires. After a few hours, she lost all consciousness and remained that way long after she was untied. The police also once hung her up by her hands by using thin electrical wire, the wire cut deep into her flesh while she hung in the air.

After being released, Ms. Chen Xiangzhi was again illegally arrested by police along with practitioners Ms. Zhang Ling and Mr. Gan Jin in November 2001. The police have continuously withheld information regarding the arrest. The three have been illegally detained in Panzhihua Detention Centre ever since. Chen Xiangzhi is presently serving an 8-year term, Zhang Ling is serving 9 years, and Gan Jin is serving 7 years (Gan Lin's exact locations are unknown). The police did not even notify their families after their sentencing. Presently, Chen Xiangzhi's family members do not know if she is alive or dead, because the jail prohibits Dafa practitioners from any contact with the outside world.

It has been confirmed that Chen Xiangzhi and Zhang Ling are being detained in the No. 12 area of the female prison in Western Sichuan Jail, Hongan Town, Longquanyi, Chengdu City (postal code 610109).

We hereby call on everyone to do all they can to secure these practitioners' release.

Supervisor He, mobile: 86-13550285103, office telephone: 86-28-84898942