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Latest News from China - 08/03/2003

Aug. 10, 2003


  • [Huludao City, Liaoning Province] Many Dafa Practitioners Are Arrested and Sent to the Xincheng Brainwashing Center
  • [Chongqing City] Dafa Practitioner Ms. Liu Tiansu Is Being Persecuted Again
  • [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Dafa Practitioner Mr. Xue Dianshi Is Transferred to the Guanshanzi Forced Labor Camp, Which Is a Very Awful Place
  • [Nongan County, Jilin Province] Dafa Practitioners at the Xiaochengzi Township Are Persecuted
  • [Yingkou, Liaoning Province] Three Dafa Practitioners from the Dashiqiao City Are Illegally Arrested and Sent to the Yingkou Detention Center

1. [Huludao City, Liaoning Province] Many Dafa Practitioners Are Arrested and Sent to the Xincheng Brainwashing Center

In late July, 2003, Ms. Li Ming who is approximately 30 years old and from the Gaoqiao Economic Development Zone was arrested and sent to the Xincheng Brain Washing Center by police officers from the Gaoqiao Police Station (phone number: 86-429-4112213)

On July 29, 2003, Mr. Sang Fumin and Ms. Zhao Yulan were arrested from their homes by Jinxing Township Police from Lianshan District, and then sent to the Xincheng Brainwashing Center.

2. [Chongqing City] Dafa Practitioner Ms. Liu Tiansu Is Being Persecuted Again

On June 20, 2003, for no reason, police officers searched Liu Tiansu's home, which is located at the Jiangbei District. Without any evidence, police issued her a summons. On June 22, Liu was illegally detained. Since July 1999, Liu has been suffering because of the persecution. She was detained for 15 days in 1999, after going to Beijing to clarify the truth of Dafa and was subjected to brainwashing for ten days. In 2000, after she meditated in Tiananmen Square in Beijing, she was sent to a forced labor camp for two years. In 2002, when Jiang Zemin visited Chongqing, Liu was secretly detained for one month; this is the fourth time she has been persecuted. At the moment, Liu has been detained at the Yubei Detention Center for over one month and further details are unknown.

3. [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Dafa Practitioner Mr. Xue Dianshi Is Transferred to the Guanshanzi Forced Labor Camp, Which Is a Very Awful Place

On October 13, 2001, police in the Brigade that is responsible for persecuting Dafa practitioners in the Dalian City Forced Labor Camp locked Xue into solitary confinement for intensive persecution under the pretext that Xue broke "Camp Rules." Xue was shackled to a wooden board. For 28 days, she was not permitted to bathe or brush his teeth. His lower leg started to atrophy from being shackled for such an extended period. Fearing responsibility for Mr. Xue's death (Xue previously suffered from a brain tumor before he practiced Falun Gong), police officers secretly asked Xue's family to pay 1,200 Yuan for medical testing, while claiming that the Camp would repay the cost later. In the hospital, police hid the handcuffs on Xue's wrists behind his clothes. Brigade Head Song threatened Xue by saying: "I'll kill you if the test shows you are alright." The director of the Dalian City Justice Department gave secret orders over the phone, and in secrecy. On December 5, 2003, after the physical check found nothing wrong with Xue, police officers transferred him to the Guanshanzi Forced Labor Camp, which was an even worse environment.

4. [Nongan County, Jilin Province] Dafa Practitioners at the Xiaochengzi Township Are Persecuted

On July 16, 2003, Mr. Wang Changlin from the Panjiatun Village, Xiaochengzi Township was arrested by the local township police officers on his way home and was sent to the County Public Security Bureau for detention. On July 18, the county "610 Office" [a bureau specifically created by the Chinese government to persecute Falun Gong. It has absolute power over each level of administration in the Party, as well as over the political and judiciary branches] and the township police officers illegally searched the homes of several local Dafa practitioners, and pressured them into writing "guarantees" to give up practicing Falun Gong.

In another case in the winter of 2001, the township police officers searched Dafa practitioner Wang Shouye's home, seized his Dafa books and brought him to the police station. They also arrested three other female Dafa practitioners and sent one of them to forced labor camp. Wang Shouye was released and is now in hiding to avoid being persecuted further.

Police officers involved in the persecution include:

Xie Yanqiu, head of the Xiaochengzi Township Police Station: 86-13943073057
Policemen: Han Zhijie,Xue Dawei, 86-431-3172007

5. [Yingkou, Liaoning Province] Three Dafa Practitioners from the Dashiqiao City Are Illegally Arrested and Sent to the Yingkou Detention Center

After July 20, China mobilized a new round of persecution against Dafa practitioners. Many places organized brainwashing classes again. In recent months in the metropolitan Yingkou area (covers the Dashiqiao City, Yingkou city, Gaizhou City, Laobian Distruct), many Dafa practitioners have been illegally arrested. A brainwashing center has been opened again at Yingkou City to continue the persecution against local Dafa practitioners. Police officers searched Dafa practitioners' homes and arrested them at will. Three Dafa practitioners in Dashiqiao City did not cooperate with police officers. They were tortured and forcibly transferred to the Yingkou Detention Center.

August 2, 2003