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Latest News from China - 8/5/2003

Aug. 15, 2003

August 5, 2003


  1. [Chaoyang City, Liaoning Province] Over Twenty Falun Gong Practitioners Are Arrested
  2. [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Two Dafa Practitioners from Erdao District Including Ms. Wang Xiulan Are Arrested
  3. [Jilin City, Jilin Province] Dafa Practitioner Wang Juncheng is Enduring the "Execution Bed" Torment at Jilin City's Prison
  4. [Xing City, Liaoning Province] Dafa Practitioner Ms. Yang Suying is Taken to a Detention Center
  5. [Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province] Police from the National Security Team Arrest Over 40 Dafa Practitioners
  6. [Tai'an City, Shandong Province] Arrest of Dafa Practitioner Ms. Xu Hongxia
  7. [Wongyuan City, Guangdong Province] Dafa Practitioner Ms. Chen Fuhua Protests Brainwashing with a Hunger Strike
  8. [Hengyang City, Hunan Province] Detention of Dafa Practitioners Ms. Liu Jinlian and Ms. Tang Shuman at Hengyang City's No. 2 Detention Center
  9. [Yueyang City, Hunan Province] "610 Office" Personnel Arrest and Beat Practitioners
  10. [Benxi City, Liaoning Province] Arrest of Dafa Practitioners
  11. [Shandong City] Dafa Practitioner Ms. Pan Yuefang is Subjected to Injection with Central Nervous-System-Damaging Drugs
  12. [Shangdong Province] The Heads of the "610 Office" Intend to Escalate the Persecution Against Dafa Practitioners
  13. [Zhangzhou City, Fujian Province] News in Brief

[Chaoyang City, Liaoning Province] Over Twenty Falun Gong Practitioners Are Arrested

On the night of June 25, 2003, five Dafa practitioners from Chaoyang City including Mr. L Dawei traveled out of town. They were stopped by traffic police on the way and the car was detained. The traffic police called in over 20 policemen who drove up in three police cars to arrest Dafa practitioners. L Dawei and another practitioner escaped from the spot but were chased by policemen. The policemen even fired their guns twice. Later, L Dawei was arrested, so only one practitioner managed to escape. L Dawei refused to cooperate with the evil and was thus beaten so badly that he was covered with bruises all over his body. His clothes were stripped, exposing bare shoulders, and his pants ripped apart with underwear exposed. Police forcibly carried him into the police car and sent him to the National Security Team of Chaoyang County Police Department. Four practitioners were arrested in this incident. As the police confiscated the practitioner's cell phones, they found many phone numbers. Many of these numbers were the home phone numbers of practitioners. As a result, over 20 practitioners were arrested.

[Changchun City, Jilin Province] Two Dafa Practitioners from Erdao District Including Ms. Wang Xiulan Are Arrested

1. From July 18 to 19, 2003, Ms. Wang Xiulan and a fellow practitioner surnamed Li were arrested and taken to a police station while hanging truth-clarifying banners at L yuan District's Airport. They were later transferred to Changchun City's No.3 Detention Center after suffering excruciating tortures.

2. Recently, police also arrested Dafa practitioner Ms. He Min's husband Mr. Feng who lives near Changchun City's Children's Park.

[Jilin City, Jilin Province] Dafa Practitioner Wang Juncheng is Enduring the "Execution Bed" Torment at Jilin City's Prison

Practitioner Wang Juncheng is detained at Jilin City Prison. Ever since a policeman overheard him encouraging his sister to steadfastly cultivate Dafa during a family member visit, he was put into solitary confinement. Up until this news was sent out, he was still suffering inhumane torture. At present, Wang is tied to an "execution bed." Police instigated criminals to take turns to beat him. As the police blocked all information, the detailed situation of this practitioner is to be further investigated.

[Xing City, Liaoning Province] Dafa Practitioner Ms. Yang Suying is Taken to a Detention Center

At around 9:00 p.m. on July 16, 2003, officers from Xing City's Ningyuan Police Station broke into Yang Suying's home. They turned Yang's home upside down and threw things around everywhere. Later, Yang was forcibly taken away and put into Xing City Detention Center. Her husband, also a practitioner, has been staying away from home to avoid arrest.

Responsible people:

Wang Huari, director of Xing City's Ningyuan Police Station. Office phone number: 86-429-5153308;

Xing City Detention Center: 86-429-5152226.

[Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province] Police from the National Security Team Arrest Over 40 Dafa Practitioners

Since May, personnel from Harbin City's National Security Team have successively arrested over 40 Dafa practitioners. They even illegally arrested non-practitioners who have a casual relationship with practitioners. They have not yet provided reasons for these arrests. An administrator from the "610 Office"* said that these cases were difficult to handle -- they were not serious enough require prison sentences; yet, the term for forced labor was quite short. Once the practitioners got out they would still go out to print Dafa materials. The Party is "like riding a tiger and unable to dismount." They don't know how to stop, as the senseless persecution has been carried out this far.

[Tai'an City, Shandong Province] Arrest of Dafa Practitioner Ms. Xu Hongxia

Dafa practitioner Ms. Xu Hongxia, 36 years old, is a resident of the Taiqian Precinct in Taishan District, Tai'an City. At 1:00 p.m. on July 28, 2003, the police arrested her near the Taicheng Xinhua bookstore at Qingnian Street when she was distributing Dafa truth-clarifying flyers. Now her whereabouts are unknown.

[Wongyuan City, Guangdong Province] Dafa Practitioner Ms. Chen Fuhua Protests Brainwashing with a Hunger Strike

Dafa practitioner Ms. Chen Fuhua, in her 20's, had a good job at a foreign investment company in Guangzhou City. However, during July 20, 2003, her hometown police station authorities threatened her family members and forced her family members to bring her back home to "have a talk." Some family members' minds had been poisoned by the propaganda. They agreed to bring her to a brainwashing class. Chen has been on a hunger strike for five days. The personnel working at the brainwashing class planned to force-feed her. Her family members might not know how many practitioners have died as a result of having been force-fed.

Chen Fuhua's home phone: 86-751-2871249

[Hengyang City, Hunan Province] Detention of Dafa Practitioners Ms. Liu Jinlian and Ms. Tang Shuman at Hengyang City's No. 2 Detention Center

Toward the end of June, the officers from Jiangdong District's Miaopu Police Station in Hengyang City arrested practitioner Ms. Liu Jinlian and detained her at Hengyang City's No. 2 Detention Center.

Practitioner Ms. Tang Shuman was arrested when she distributed Dafa truth-clarifying materials and is detained at Hengyang City's No. 2 Detention Center.

[Yueyang City, Hunan Province] "610 Office" Personnel Arrest and Beat Practitioners

In the winter of 2000, Dai Wenming, administrator for Danquanshui Village "610 Office" arrested all local practitioners and took them to a brainwashing center. A group of gangsters in this center carried wooden sticks and yelled at practitioners, "You Falun Gong practitioners do not fight back and do not curse back and want to be good people! From now on, we will make you become bad people, make you curse people! If not, we will beat you to death ..." The persons who held sticks dragged practitioners one after another, to forced them to curse Master, otherwise they would brutally beat practitioners. After a half-day's relentless beating, some practitioners' noses and mouths were bleeding, some practitioners' hands were broken, some were vomiting blood, some lost their hearing, and some had bruises all over their bodies. After that, they stripped off practitioners' clothes, poured cold water on their bodies and then used electric fans to blow air on them. Afterwards, they tied them up with ropes, paraded them on the streets to humiliate them and finally threw them into a detention center.

[Benxi City, Liaoning Province] Arrest of Dafa Practitioners

1. Dafa practitioners Zhang Huishuang and Pan were illegally arrested when they went to a village to clarify the truth about the persecution. Currently their whereabouts are unknown

2. Not long ago, personnel from Benxi City "610 Office," together with lawless policemen from Benxi City's Weiningying Forced Labor Camp, held another brainwashing session. It was reported that they arrested 20 Dafa practitioners. Three determined Dafa practitioners were sent to a forced labor camp.

[Shandong City] Dafa Practitioner Ms. Pan Yuefang is Subjected to Injection with Central-Nervous-System-Damaging Drugs

Ms. Pan Yuefang, 26 years old, is from Houjiangshuai Village, Donggan District, Rizhao City, Shandong Province. Between April and May 2002, during her detention at No.5 Team in Shangdong Province's No.1 Female Forced Labor Camp, policemen Jiang Yifan, Zhao Yumei, Niu Xuelian and Zhao Jie brutally tormented her. After locking her up, verbally abusing and beating her for over 20 days, these policemen deceived her into taking some medicine for a cold, but actually administered medication given to people to treat mental illnesses. After that, Pan who used to be lively and healthy became nervous and began to talk nonsense. Furthermore, policemen Kong Qinghua, Song and Xia injected her with medicine that destroys the central nervous system, which caused her incontinence, loss of memory and reasoning ability, and salivating. Her muscles weakened and she could no longer stand, even with two people supporting her. She could not speak and could not recognize her surroundings. These policemen surely knew that taking such medicine would put her life in danger. Later, her family members took Pan back home. Her current situation is unknown.

[Shangdong Province] The Heads of the "610 Office" Intend to Escalate the Persecution Against Dafa Practitioners

During the 16th Party Congress in 2002, "610 Office" administrators from 17 cities in Shandong Province gathered at Jinan City for a meeting. All of them agreed to not hold brainwashing classes anymore; instead, all Dafa practitioners who practice the exercises will be directly be sent to a forced labor camp or be sentenced.

[Zhangzhou City, Fujian Province] News in Brief

In April 2003, four Dafa practitioners from Zhangzhou City, Fujian Province were illegally arrested. According to the news from affiliated departments, these Dafa practitioners will be considered political criminals, because they clarified the truth with short massages through cellular phone. Currently these four are being held at a local detention center.

In addition, the Minnan Daily in Zhangzhou City still continues to publish articles that slander Dafa.

* The "610 Office" is an agency specifically established to persecute Falun gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems.