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A 610 Office Director Receives Phone Call from Overseas

Aug. 16, 2003


The 610 Office Director in Liaoning Province Receives Phone Call from Overseas

A director of the 610 Office of a district in Hulundao City, Liaoning Province got a call from the United States at 10 p.m. The caller entreated him not to persecute Falun Gong practitioners. His wife said to others, "Falun Gong practitioners are really capable people. How did they get our phone number?" She also told her husband, "Do not do persecute them anymore..."

A Banner Is Hung In Center of Street

On the morning of July 18, the police office in Yanqing County of Beijing and Public Security Department dispatched a lot of personnel to the center of Yanqing East Street. Here, they were kept busy for quite a long time taking pictures and making recordings. It turned out that a banner more than three meters long reading, "Falun Dafa is good. Falun Dafa is a righteous Fa." had been hung there. It did not matter whether they actually saw it or just heard about it, everyone said, "How come there are so many Falun Gong practitioners?"