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Symbolic Tribunal of Jiang in Montreal (Photos)

Aug. 16, 2003

(Clearwisdom.net) Falun Dafa practitioners of Montreal Canada symbolically tried Jiang Zemin in Zhongshan Park in Chinatown on August 9 2003.

The public prosecution was based on Jiang's persecution of Falun Gong practitioners and using lies to deceive the world. It focused on exposing Jiang's violating the will of the people and government and forcefully launching the persecution of Falun Gong.

The practitioners who organized the activity said that the symbolic public trial would continue, in order to expose Jiang's evil persecution of Falun Gong and deception of the world's people. It called on the people to also try Jiang in the courts of conscience and morality.


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Symbolic tribunal stage Local policeman talks to practitioners Radio station reporter interviews practitioner
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Learning the exercises Sending forth righteous thoughts The court announces the trial is in session

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Kindhearted people learning the truth