Today’s Articles
Aug. 24, 2003
About Dafa
- European Dafa Practitioners Go to Belgium to Support the Submission of the Lawsuit against Jiang (Photos)
- Belgium Media Continue Their Strong Interest in Lawsuit against Jiang (Photos)
- Radio Free Asia: Falun Gong Practitioners Sue Jiang Zemin in Belgium
- Belgian Radio Station RTBF: Falun Gong Practitioners Sue Jiang Zemin in Belgium
- Dafa Practitioner Ms. Cui Zhengshu from Jilin City Died as a Result of Brutal Torture at the Heizuizi Female Labor Camp in Changchun City (pictures)
- Chinese Police Threaten Australian Citizen: "We'll Make You Disappear" (Photo)
- Dafa Practitioner Ms. Zhang Yaping in Critical Condition After Persecution by Shenyang City Police in Liaoning Province
- Family Members Examine Sun Jihong's Body and Investigate those Who Tortured Him to Death
- The Cruel Persecution Suffered by My Family: Husband Detained as Hostage, Mother Died in Worry and Anger
- The "610 Office" Arrests Ling Wanxia and Other Falun Dafa Practitioners, and Sends Them to Brainwashing Center
- 41 People Declare that their Words and Deeds Under Forced Brainwashing are Null and Void
- Speech for Rally at Parliament Hill
- Certificate of Recognition to Los Angeles County Falun Dafa Week from California Legislative Assembly [August 9, 2003]
- Certificate of Recognition in Honor of Los Angeles County Falun Dafa Week from California State Senator Gilbert Cedillo [August 9, 2003]
- US Congressman Howard Berman: "There Will Always be a Need for Falun Dafa in Our Community"
- Help People Understand How the Persecution Harms Society and Themselves
- Raising Our Level by Truly Looking Within
- Validating Dafa at Tiananmen Square on July 22, 2003
- My Insight While Copying a Truth-Clarifying Letter
- What a Young Dafa Practitioner Saw in Other Dimensions
- Korean Falun Dafa Practitioners Experience Overwhelming Support and Kindness as They Tour Korea to Clarify the Truth
- "Car Tour Across US to Rescue Charles Li"- To Clarify the Truth and Save Sentient Beings with Pure Hearts (Photos)
- New Jersey: Practitioners Clarify the Truth at a Town Hall Meeting (Photo)
- Canada: Edmonton Falun Dafa Practitioners Spread Dafa and Explains the Facts in Fringe Festival (Photos)
- Sweden: Telling People the Facts during the Gothenburg Festival
- Good Fortune for Those with Dafa in Their Hearts