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Modest, Diligent Cultivation - Stories of an Elderly Practitioner

Aug. 29, 2003


We truly respect one elderly fellow practitioner in Tianjin City. In order to expose the lies and the persecution, she passes out all the materials that she can get. When she has difficulty getting materials to pass out, she writes "Falun Dafa is Good," "Falun Dafa Teaches People to Speak the Truth," and "Truthfulness, Compassion, and Tolerance are Good" in prominent public locations with chalk. She always moves forward in her cultivation no matter how much the external conditions change. There are many moving stories about her cultivation. I will tell you about a recent event.

On August 3, 2003, she took her entire life savings of 1,000 Yuan (two months average pay for an urban worker) in her hands, and said to a fellow practitioner, "This is my savings. It should be used to save people. Please use this money on materials! Please do not refuse me, because this is my will! Master gave me my life. My money is nothing compared to Dafa! Saving People is urgent! Saving people is urgent!" She was not eloquent, but her words were from the bottom of her heart. The people present had tears in their eyes. She let us see her golden heart.

Later we learned about her family's situation. Her husband is in bed paralyzed. They really need this money. She saved that 1,000 Yuan by selling farm-raised eggs, scraps that she collected, and saving, penny by penny, from her daily food allowance. She saved many years to reach 1,000 Yuan. Although 1,000 Yuan is not much, it is her life savings. We saw her compassion for sentient beings.