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A Letter to the National Security Brigade in Jiangyou City, Sichuan Province: "Unconditionally Release My Sister Liang Hua Immediately!"

Aug. 3, 2003 |   Written by Liang Yan, a practitioner from Hong Kong


To Whom It May Concern in the National Security Brigade in Jiangyou City, Sichuan Province:

My name is Liang Yan, a Falun Gong practitioner in Hong Kong. Recently my older sister Liang Hua was groundlessly sentenced to 12 years in prison. On the evening of July 3, I learned that a day earlier the 1st Brigade of National Security from Jiangyou City, Sichuan Province, arrested my seventy-year-old mother, my younger sister Liang Fang along with her three children (one of them is six months old) from their home and confiscated their personal property, including money, a computer, cell phones, etc. My younger sister was not released until the next afternoon, but her belongings were still kept by the police. Not long before this incident, my sister-in-law Fan Chunying was also arrested by the National Security Brigade of Guangyuan City. On July 3, you took my mother in for another interrogation. A possible reason why my family was arrested might be because I asked my younger sister to mail me a copy of the court's statement sentencing my older sister Liang Hua to 12 years in prison, as I had considered appealing the court's decision. Even though such mail was never sent, you framed it as espionage by "having a secret connection with foreign countries." I express my indignation at such an ungrounded accusation.

Since July 1999, you and other people repeatedly arrested, brainwashed, sentenced and tortured my sister Liang Hua. You not only have taken away her freedom but also have tortured her mentally and physically. All this persecution is only because she dares to speak the truth, insists on maintaining her firm belief in Falun Dafa, and living as good person according to the principles of Truthfulness, Benevolence, and Forbearance. Ruthlessly following Jiang's regime, you spare no effort or energy in torturing kind Dafa practitioners, disregarding the law and the welfare of people.

Since July of 2001, several Chinese high-ranking officials who had initiated or executed the persecution against Falun Gong practitioners have been sued in US and European courts. These Chinese officials include the former Chinese Chairman Jiang, Luo Gan, Zeng Qinghong, the head of the "610 Office" -- Li Lanqing, the head of Police Bureau in Hubei Province -- Zhao Zhifei, the secretary of the Party of Sichuan Province -- Zhou Yunkang, former mayor of Beijing -- Liu Qi, and the Deputy governor of Liaoning Province -- Xia Deren.) Jiang is facing a worldwide prosecution for committing genocide. Defendants will be arrested once they set foot into any country where they are being sued.

Due to his jealousy of Falun Gong's popularity among the Chinese people, Jiang provokes conflict among people by directing the resources from the entire country as his personal power to fulfill his selfish goals. Isn't this the reoccurrence of the Cultural Revolution in history? You all know the truth: Falun Gong is the true orthodox way, teaching people "Truthfulness, Benevolence, and Forbearance." Falun Dafa practitioners are good citizens. All the fabricated lies are aimed to maliciously defame Falun Gong. Those who attack goodness are bound to be evil. You ought to use your conscience to discern right from wrong, good from evil, and secure the future for yourself and your descendants. Be good to fellow citizens and Falun Dafa practitioners. Cherish your own future.

I hereby admonish those who still follow Jiang's order to persecute Falun Gong: stop committing crimes or you will be Jiang's scapegoats, convicted by history. Also, stop disturbing or persecuting my family (including my older sister) or I will pursue the investigation of the crimes and send those responsible to court for justice.

I also strongly demand the following things:

  1. Unconditionally release my older sister Liang Hua;
  2. Stop disturbing my family;
  3. Withdraw the so-called "confession" signed by my younger sister Liang Fang;
  4. Immediately return all illegally confiscated property from my family.

Liang Yan

July 5, 2003

This letter has also been carbon copied to the following organizations:

United Nations Human Rights Committee

International Women's Rights Association

Human Rights International

World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong