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The Righteous Deeds of My Husband, Who Understands the Truth about Dafa

Aug. 4, 2003 |   A practitioner in China


My husband Cheng Yuan (pseudonym) is the party secretary in a factory. Although he is not a cultivator, he supports my cultivation very much and helps me quite a lot in clarifying the truth about Dafa. The following are some short stories:

1. One day, I planned to travel a long way to deliver Teacher's articles and truth-clarifying materials with another practitioner. The round trip would take us over 2 hours. It was late at night and the public buses had stopped running. Without a word, my husband drove us with his work car and delivered the materials for us. It was past 11:00pm when he returned but he did not complain at all.

2. One late night I went out to put up some banners. When I returned, there were still about 50 banners left. My husband was worried about my safety and said: "Put these banners aside for the moment. I will help you put them up when I am free." After a few days he and I neatly put the banners up along the sides of major streets. At the sight of the banners waving in the wind, he said: "Look! How nice!"

3. In the first half of last year, Jiang's regime ordered that all enterprises and administrations all over the country make slogans defaming Dafa. My husband found an excuse and successfully resisted the evil because he knew it would be bad for him to do so.

4. One day, as soon as he came home, my husband told me: "Today I received truth-clarifying booklets and papers from your fellow Falun Gong practitioners. I read them thoroughly. After finishing I put them on my office desk and asked whoever came by to read them. In this way quite a few people in our group read these materials."

5. Once somebody called the police when I was delivering truth-clarifying materials. The policemen tried to force me to tell them the source of the materials by beating me up viciously. My husband knew where the materials came from and where the practitioner lived, but he didn't leak anything about the practitioner. Instead, he urged me not to say anything about the practitioner and encouraged me to stay firm with many kind words. At the same time he managed to inform the practitioner to hide.

The behavior of my husband is a clear manifestation of the mighty power of Dafa practitioners' clarifying the truth, and represents the attitude many kindhearted people have towards Dafa. They know that the innocent Dafa practitioners are persecuted by the evil, and that the authorities have been trying all possible ways to attack and defame them. Moreover, they are willing to help Dafa practitioners with their righteous actions.

Our family members are among the sentient beings who have profound predestined relationships with Dafa. We should not ignore them in our salvation of sentient beings. Everyday people with compassionate hearts will convey the truth of Dafa through their own channels after they themselves come to know it, which could bring great blessings to their futures, and to the futures of those who learn the truth from them.