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Seattle: Practitioners Participate in Local Parade (Photos)

Aug. 5, 2003 |   By a Falun Dafa Practitioner in Seattle, Washington

(Clearwisdom.net, August 4, 2003) Summer days in Seattle are gorgeous and pleasant. The Seafair festival is held each July. It is a major festival in the State of Washington, celebrated with a grand parade. A group of Falun Dafa practitioners' participation in this year's suburban district parade added fresh enthusiasm and a spectacular sight to this tradition.

A banner that read "Falun Dafa Is Great" led the Dafa practitioners' procession. Following the banner was a row of dancing practitioners dressed in colorful costumes from the Tang Dynasty. Some other practitioners dressed in golden exercise uniforms came next to demonstrate the five sets of exercises. They were followed by another big banner saying "Truth, Compassion, Forbearance" in both Chinese and English. The peaceful and graceful procession stood out and fascinated the spectators. They rewarded the practitioners with friendly looks and waves of applause. Some of them came to take pictures with the dancing team. Some came to tell them what a wonderful job they had done. Some admired the practitioners dancing in Tang Dynasty costumes, saying, "You look marvelous!" All of this made us feel warmly welcomed and encouraged

As the Fa-rectification progresses, Dafa has gradually won people's hearts, and more and more people have begun to accept Dafa. To our happiness, our parade could bring a bright future to thousands of people. Thanks to Dafa's power and Teacher's compassion, people saw the beauty of Dafa with their own eyes. Jiang's regime's deceptions collapse all by themselves.