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Dafa Practitioner Ms. Tong Dongxiang Is Illegally Sent to a Labor Camp for the Third Time

Aug. 9, 2003


Dafa Practitioner Ms. Tong Dongxiang--a worker at Hubei Xiantao Textile Factory--was abducted to Shayang Forced Labor Camp on July 22, at his family run shop by personnel from the Xiantao "610 Office" [a bureau specifically created by the Chinese government to persecute Falun Gong. It has absolute power over each level of administration in the Party, as well as over the political and judiciary branches.] and the National Guarding Division of city police. It was the third time this Dafa practitioner has been sent to a labor camp illegally. The first time was in 2001. This Dafa practitioner firmly believes in Falun Dafa with all her heart. She was released unconditionally after holding a 120-day hunger strike. Her husband--Liu Xiong (who is also Dafa practitioner) was just released from the Shayang Forced Labor Camp after being illegally detained for two years. At home, her two children who are over ten-years-old are grieving over their absent mother.

Dafa practitioners who read this message, please collectively send forth righteous thoughts and help this fellow practitioner gain an early release. Please also be advised that the Xiantao Dafa practitioners keep sending forth righteous thoughts at 8, 9, and 10 pm every evening to cleanse all the evil elements that control the "610 Office" and the National Guarding Division to persecute Dafa and Dafa practitioners. And let the evil beings that participate in the persecution meet their karmic retribution immediately.

The major criminals at the "610 office" of Xiantao city:

Zheng, Zhanggou, Chief, phone: 86-728-3250413 (office), 86-728-3278169 (home), 86-13807229578 (cell)

He, Gouhua, Associate Chief, phone 86-728-3231736 (home), 86-728-8891993

"610 Office"86-728-3250415, Zip: 433000