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My Understanding Of "One Single Thought"

Aug. 9, 2003 |   By a practitioner from China


Recently, sometimes when I practiced the exercises, studied the Fa, or sent forth righteous thoughts, I couldn't concentrate or calm down. Also, some beings in other dimensions started to interfere with me. The interference was serious; however, I didn't know how to deal with it. Originally, I thought the major reason was that I didn't study the Fa with a peaceful mind and hadn't yet assimilated well to the Fa. Besides, during my cultivation I made some major mistakes that I couldn't let go of. I thought the evil must have taken advantage of me because of these reasons.

One day, I came to realize that I need to pay more attention to my thoughts and rectify them. Teacher said in Teaching the Fa at the 2003 Midwest-U.S. Fa Conference,

"One single thought up there causes huge differences in the behavior of sentient beings at different levels; one single thought up there can cause earth-shaking changes down below."

I started to understand that my single thought would have a major impact on the layers upon layers of beings below the level of the cells inside my body. If we lose our temper, many beings will be affected. Actually, even everyday people have recognized that when people lose their temper, toxins are produced in their bodies. Considering those sentient beings that might be affected, as Falun Dafa practitioners, we should not lose control of ourselves. After I came to realize this, I could calm down more easily.