(Clearwisdom.net) September 11th report: On summer vacation, Toronto Minghui School young Dafa disciples participated in a variety of activities held by the community, and achieved good results spreading Falun Dafa and clarifying the truth. They also had a pleasant and meaningful vacation.
On summer vacation, the young Dafa disciples participated in a community's summer get-together, and performed the Falun Dafa exercises and dance.
The annual Latin America Culture Festival invited Falun Dafa practitioners to participate. Minghui School students performed the Falun Dafa exercises. The audience said after watching their performance, "This is Falun Gong, how wonderful!" Many people signed our petition forms.
On Canadian National Day, some Dafa disciples from Minghui School came to the capital Ottawa to participate in the celebration activities.
Young Dafa disciples from Minghui School attend the Washington DC Fa Conference on July 20. They were so happy to see Master. They also participated in the "Bring Jiang to Justice" parade. Young Dafa disciples from Washington DC, Canada, France and Australia got together in the capital of the US.

In Chinatown, they participated in the performance at the Chinese Culture Festival
Young Dafa disciples from Minghui School attend a two-week Dance Summer Camp held by Lotus Flower Art Troupe.
During the summer vacation, young Dafa disciples reached out to the community, collected signatures and clarified the truth about Falun Dafa. They also went to the Chinese Consulate to distribute Dafa truth-clarifying materials and send forth righteous thoughts.
When summer vacation was over, on September 6, young students from Minghui School and young dancers from Lotus Flower Art Troupe participated in a community walk held by "United Way."
Toronto Minghui School plans to participate in community activities extensively and frequently in the future, so as to bring the wonderfulness of Falun Dafa to more people.