(Clearwisdom.net) Drammen is a small city 40 kilometres south of Oslo. Last year practitioners were invited to present Falun Gong in a Centre for Personal Growth. However, because of bad timing C the presentation took place the night before the winter holiday C only two people attended the presentation. Of course, practitioners still did their best to make the presentation as good as possible.
Recently, one of the two people attending the previous presentation invited us back to Drammen. She really wanted to let more people learn about Falun Gong. She arranged for twenty people to learn Falun Gong from Norwegian practitioners in a downtown venue.
There were people of all ages present. They were all very grateful to us for coming to share the practice and teach them the exercises. Many were anxious about how to learn more and continue with the practice. Some of the people said they had experienced strong energy. An elderly lady told us she felt that Falun Gong is really good for her. Doing the exercises made her tranquil and she could feel it was very good for the changes in her heart, which normally causes her some trouble.
Source: http://clearharmony.net/articles/200309/15160.html
Category: Parades & Other Community Events