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Belated News: Dafa Practitioner Mr. Jiang Genjin from Nanchang County, Jiangxi Province Tortured to Death

Sept. 24, 2003



Mr. Jiang Genjin, born in 1952, was a resident of Nanchang County, Jiangxi Province. Before he took up the practice of Falun Dafa, he suffered from ascites in his liver, stomach problems, and gallbladder disease. However, after he started the practice, his illnesses all went away. Many people were amazed by his remarkable recovery.

In October 1999, Mr. Jiang went to Beijing to appeal and was arrested. While in detention in Beijing, he was tortured. After he returned to Nanchang, he was then sent to the Nanchang County Detention Center, where he was subjected to further persecution. Soon after he was released from the detention center (no more than 15 days), he passed away.

Nanchang County Political and Legal Committee: 86-791-5786797

Nanchang County Police Department
Director: Liu Shengjian, 86-791-5712000
Party Secretary: Hu Wenliang
Address: Wuyi Road, Liantang Town, Nanchang County, zip: 330200