(Clearwisdom.net) The following events occurred among Chinese Government officials and policemen of the "610 Office" during Jiang Zemin's persecution of Falun Gong. ["The 610 Office" is an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong. It has absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems] We have left out their names and locations for their personal safety.

"I Will Not Allow You to Mistreat Falun Gong Practitioners."

A husband and wife are both government officials. The husband was in charge of persecuting Falun Gong practitioners in a certain city. A practitioner who had been arrested began clarifying the facts to that official. Their discussion ranged from ancient to modern times, from science to law, and from the benefits of practicing Falun Gong to the persecution. They talked for more than two hours. The man's wife was also present. She was moved by hearing the truth from the practitioner and said, "So Falun Gong isn't bad. They're all good people." She then turned to her husband and exclaimed, "From now on, I will not allow you to mistreat Falun Gong practitioners." Her husband agreed. Afterwards, he did as his wife had advised and treated FalunGong practitioners with compassion.

Policeman Refuses to Mistreat Practitioners

A policeman was conversing with a friend. The friend asked him if he mistreated Falun Gong practitioners. The policeman replied that he did not. The friend then asked why he didn't mistreat them. The policeman replied, "The first time I questioned a Falun Gong practitioner, I asked him why he persisted in practicing Falun Gong. That practitioner told me that his whole body had been paralyzed from an accident and that he had not found a cure in any of the hospitals he visited. However, after practicing Falun Gong, he was completely healed and able to function again. He could work and support his family. How could he stop practicing or denounce Falun Gong when the practice had done so much for him?" The policeman explained that since Falun Gong had healed the man completely, he believed it was real and he could not try to stop the man from practicing. Since then, every time he has to go out with other policemen to arrest Falun Gong practitioners, he follows along with the others but doesn't do anything.

Kindhearted Official Warns a Practitioner

In a certain city, a government official was put in charge of persecuting Falun Gong practitioners. After hearing that the police were going to arrest a young, unwed female practitioner, he secretly warned her and also advised, "After being in jail, it is very hard for a young woman to find a mate. I suggest that you go hide for a while, so we can say that we couldn't find you."

Policemen Are also Victims

In order to resist the persecution of Falun Gong, some practitioners went on hunger strikes for over forty days. Prison officials sent them to the hospital for treatment. In the hospital they showed symptoms such as breathing problems, vomiting, jaundice, fever, etc. A son saw that his mother, a practitioner, was emaciated, extremely ill, and in a life threatening condition. The anguished son said to her, "Mother, if you die, I will not let you die in vain." A policeman who witnessed this knelt down on the ground and burst into tears.