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A Practitioner Should Not Have Illusion on a Political Party in Everyday Society

Oct. 9, 2004 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) Fa-rectification has currently reached the final stage. However, there are still some practitioners who are unclear about China's ruling party. They hope that some high-ranking officials in the Party will stand up to support Dafa and bring the persecution to an end. This is an improper thought.

In "Teaching the Fa at the 2002 Fa Conference in Philadelphia, U.S.A." Teacher said,

"If someone in ordinary society really did restore our Dafa's name, think about it, maybe human beings will do this, but have you thought about this: how high would I have to position that person? Isn't that right? You're cultivators, and all changes come from your cultivation and the Fa-rectification; everything that you yourselves validate and enlighten to, and everything that you'll receive, all this comes from what you have done on your path. Absolutely don't think about any favors the old forces might do for us, or about how the ordinary society might help us. You are the ones saving the ordinary people's society, and you are the ones saving sentient beings!"

We have had too many such lessons. We all know that we cannot be attached to someone in the Party or some meeting in the Party. Then, isn't counting on some so-called "upright officials" in the Party also an attachment? Moreover, in "Explaining the Fa During the 2003 Lantern Festival at the U.S. West Fa Conference," Teacher said,

"It's against the cosmos, or to put it another way, the two types of elements in the cosmos, positive and negative, are all against it. In fact, this cosmos is composed of the two types of elements of life, the positive and the negative, so that's to say that even the cosmos is against it. So, the Buddhas, Daos, Gods, and Demons of the cosmos all want to get rid of it, so it constantly faces the possibility of being surrounded layer after layer and eliminated."

So we can no longer hold any hope for it, let alone be attached to it.

In addition, the Party was a major tool used by Jiang to persecute Falun Gong, and now it is still being used. Therefore, this ruling party cannot evade its fate, either. In "Coercion Cannot Change People's Hearts" in Essentials for Further Advancement II, Teacher said,

"Since the only evil remaining in the current Fa-rectification has seen Dafa disciples' unshakable, steadfast faith, it has gone mad and completely lost its senses. Although Dafa disciples do not get involved in politics and do not value ordinary human power, the evil's persecution in China -- which ignores all of its consequences -- will lead people to completely distrust the ruling party and its regime, and to disobey the government. The lie-spreading propaganda machine will no longer be able to employ demagoguery. This is because at the same time that the evil persecutes Dafa, it has also arranged it so that, during the campaign, the party's current head himself is used to destroy the party and its regime from within the party -- this is what those being manipulated and the world's people cannot see clearly. Then the consequences of their personal resentment become inevitable and cannot be avoided. And in this persecution, the world's people will see more clearly everything the evil has done; Dafa disciples will become more rational and more clearheaded, and, with determination and maturation in cultivation, move towards magnificent Consummation."

The above is my personal understanding. Please kindly point out anything inappropriate.