(Clearwisdom.net) Mr. Xiao Pifeng was born on February 22, 1952 in the village of Xidongyu, in the Ezhung Town of Zibo City, Shandong Province. Beginning on July 20, 1999 when the persecution began, he went to Beijing to declare that Falun Dafa is good and to urge the government to stop persecuting practitioners. For that he was illegally jailed four times, detained six times, and sentenced to labor camp for three years. On August 24, 2003, Mr. Xiao was tortured to death in the Qiugu Labor Camp, in Zibo City. Officials of the labor camp gave Xiao Pifeng's wife two thousand yuan (1) and told her, "We are not afraid if you sue us. Go right ahead."
(See http://www.clearwisdom.net/emh/articles/2004/3/18/46172p.html for previous report about Xiao Pifeng's death)

Picture of Xiao Pifeng before he was tortured to death
The first time Xiao Pifeng went to the Beijing Appeals Office, he was arrested and sent to the Public Security office in Beijing and then sent back to his local police department. When he arrived at his hometown, all the city government staff, including the secretary and mayor of his village, were there to receive him. The secretary of the village was the first person to attack him, hitting and kicking Mr. Xiao until he couldn't stand up. Then they dragged him to a frozen pond and forced him to stand barefoot on the ice for the whole night. In the morning, after Mr. Xiao was frozen beyond recognition, they sent him home.
The second time that Xiao Pifeng went to Bejing to appeal was during the New Year holiday. After arriving at Tiananmen Square, as soon as he sat down to meditate, a policeman arrested him and took him to Beijing's court for interrogation. There, the police beat him and sent him back to his hometown.
After a couple days, the local police arrested him and detained him in the Zichuan District Detention Center. Later, they transferred him to the Boshan Jail. A couple of days later, they sent him back to the local city office and detained him there, but he escaped.
After his escape, Xiao Pifeng walked for eleven days and nights to reach Beijing. He ate and drank whatever he could find along the way. When he reached Beijing, he met a twenty-year-old person who was doing the first set of Falun Gong exercise to the exercise music, so he joined in. Within a few minutes, a couple of policemen came over and asked him what an old man like him was doing. He said that he had come to validate the truth that "Falun Dafa is a righteous Fa (2)." The police responded by sending him to the Beijing detention center, and, once again, back to his hometown.
Li Jianhua, the man in charge of Falun Gong affairs in Xiao Pifeng's hometown, dragged Mr. Xiao down from the police vehicle and struck his head so hard that Mr. Xiao lost consciousness. Three days later, town government officials ordered a woman to use a sharp object to torture Xiao Pifeng. She poked him with the instrument more than one hundred times until the needle-like object broke inside his flesh and he was mutilated beyond recognition.
Even though the woman who tortured him had concealed her face, Mr. Xiao could still recognize her. She was the wife of Wang Shumin, the man in charge of the birth control department. They continued to beat him and then sent him home.
After Mr. Xiao recovered from his injuries, he went to Beijing for the fourth time. In Beijing, police seized him again and took him to the Beijing office, where Mr. Xiao declared that he had come to tell everyone the truth about Falun Gong and to appeal for the end of the persecution. Once again, they sent him back to his hometown.
Back in his village, local officials tied him up, stuffed his mouth with a cloth, and covered his eyes. They heated up sand and forced him to kneel down on the hot sand. They also put a lizard in his pants to torment him.
Four days later, with the rope cutting into his flesh, they tied him to a tree and beat him with a bat. After beating him, they sent him home. A month later, the county government police officials, the secretary, and the mayor of the village arrested Mr. Xiao again and sent him to the Qiugu Labor Camp for two to three months. Then they transferred him to the Wangcun Labor Camp, where police used electric batons to torture him. A couple of months later, they transferred him back to the Qiugu Labor Camp.
In the Qiugu Labor Camp, the guards burned his neck to a black color by torturing him with electric batons. They used all kinds of torture methods on him. On August 24, 2003, they tortured Xiao Pifeng to death in the Qiugu Labor Camp in Zibo City. The new mayor and secretary from his village were all at the scene when he was tortured to death.
(1) Yuan is the Chinese currency; 500 yuan is equal to the average monthly income for an urban worker in China.
(2) Fa: Law and principles; the teachings of Falun Dafa.