(Clearwisdom.net) Campuses all over China have been haunted with homicides and suicides lately. As a schoolteacher, it breaks my heart to see what the students in China have come to. As a Falun Gong practitioner, I concluded that the climbing crime rates on today's campuses would not be so high if not for Jiang Zemin's persecution of Falun Gong practitioners, who conduct themselves according to Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance.
Pressured by many different levels of the Chinese Communist government, China's kindergartens, elementary schools, middle schools, high schools and colleges make their students repeatedly watch negative propaganda movies, video programs and photographs against Falun Gong. They also pressure students to renounce and criticize Falun Gong in writing. A vast number of students in China have become victims of Jiang Zemin's lies.
For the past five years since Jiang Zemin started to openly persecute Falun Gong on July 20, 1999, I have been clarifying the truth to my students in the classroom. In each class I have taught, I repeatedly clarified the truth from different angles. Lately I have witnessed delightful transformations in some of the students. I realized that their changes were the result of the progress of Teacher's Fa-rectification. It is a sign that the Fa-rectification will soon arrive at the human realm. We must grasp the remaining time for truth-clarification.
I. My Students Asked to Read Zhuan Falun
Since the summer of 2004, my students kept coming to me to ask for a copy of Zhuan Falun. They also passed the book around among their peers. So far, more than ten students have read Zhuan Falun and many other students are anxiously waiting for their turn to read it. A student came and told me, "Zhuan Falun teaches people to become better, moral people. It does not make any sense at all that the Chinese Communist Party persecutes people who practice Falun Gong." Some students told me that they want to practice Falun Gong when the Fa rectifies the human realm.
II. My Students Began to Conduct Themselves According to Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance
Besides clarifying the truth about Falun Gong to my students, I have always included my understanding of the Fa in my moral education in the classroom. Falun Gong's cultivation principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance have entered their hearts. Many students told me, "I didn't know any Fa, so I have done many bad things in the past. I will try to be a better person from now on." One student told me, "Although I did not lose my temper on the surface in a conflict, I felt upset inside." I told him, "It takes time and cultivation practice for a genuine cultivator to become immovable. It is admirable for you to be able to control your temper when a conflict arises."
I have a problem student in my class. His parents have cried their eyes out for him. Other teachers consider him a headache. One day this student approached me after class and said, "Teacher, could you lend me the book that teaches people to become better, moral people?" I replied, "Why don't you come pick it up from my home after school?" Little did I expect that he would really come to me with another student. I also had them watch truth-clarification video programs on my computer.
I teach a so-called "problem class" that students with problems in school performance and behavior end up in. Many students in the class expressed their intention to improve themselves after they learn the truth about Falun Gong and the cultivation principles of Falun Gong. The power of Falun Gong has manifested in my class. This is truly what Teacher has said: "The Buddha-light illuminates everywhere and rectifies all abnormalities." (From "Energy Field" in Lecture Three of Zhuan Falun.)
III. My Students Volunteer to Spread the Truth about Falun Gong
When my students learned and accepted the truth about Falun Gong, they began to spread the truth voluntarily. Some of them shared the facts about Falun Gong with their family and relatives, some with their friends and peers from different classes. When I learned what they have been doing, I praised and encouraged their actions. "You are accumulating great virtue and you will be rewarded in the future," I said to them. Some of my students told me that their family refused to accept the truth about Falun Gong. I told them to be patient and not to be overly anxious. I also shared tips on truth-clarification to help them with their efforts.
I am amazed at the mighty power of Falun Gong in terms of improving people. I am also glad to see the changes in my students. But I know there are a lot more students that still have not learned the truth about Falun Gong. As long as I keep caring for my students and telling them the facts about Falun Gong, more and more students will learn the truth from me or from my students who have accepted the truth about Falun Gong.
Category: Perspective