International Conference on "Genocide in the New Era": Rule of Law vs. Rule by Law in China
March 4, 2004
By Erping Zhang, Executive Director of International Advocates for Justice, USA
Ladies and Gentlemen:
First of all, I would like to thank everyone for taking the time to come and
sharing your insight on the subject of genocide at this conference. Your
participation has meaningfully contributed to the collective effort to eliminate
injustice on the face of this earth. While many speakers have addressed issues
on China here, I wish to share some of my observations, which I hope will help
shed light on your legal proceedings in the future.
To understand the legal system of China better, we should first examine some
fundamental issues involving the role of the Constitution in China as well as
the relationship between the Communist Party and its subjects--the people. Who
writes it? For whom is it written? And how, if at all, is it executed?
In Western civilization, there has been a Christian tradition or convention
that before God all are equal. This doctrine, whether applied in great depth or
not, has served as the bedrock for Western culture and legal thoughts; hence,
"all men are created equal" became part of the U.S. Constitution. In
China, the Confucian tradition, on the other hand, has advocated a harmonious,
yet hierarchical social structure that orders society in such a manner that the
ruler makes the laws and the subjects follow them unconditionally.
Such different cultural perspectives are still distinctive in today's legal
systems both in the West and China, and are utilized to their fullest extent in
the U.S. where the common law tradition holds, and in China where the Communist
Party dictates. Now let us look closely how they are played out in the U.S. and
China through comparison.
- In the U.S. it is the people or the citizens who make the law and give the
power to state and government. This is done through electing their
representatives or lawmakers in the Congress, who then make laws that must
reflect the opinions and interest of their constituents. Whereas in China,
it is the Communist Party that makes the law and delegates the power to its
subjects--the people. The citizens in China do not have any say whatsoever
in the lawmaking process. They have never been given an opportunity to vote
for their Congressional delegates though they are called the people's
delegates, let alone provided the chance to vote for the executive branch.
- The U.S. law is made by the people and for the people, rather than
designed for any political group; whereas in China law is created by the
Communist Party and for the Communist Party since the people are denied the
right to participate in the lawmaking process. Lawmaking thus serves the
purpose of maintaining control and power for the Communist Party
dictatorship. According to a legal scholar in China, a new law will come
into being every 18 days in China today, but such new legal creatures are
limited to regulate economic activities, rather than adding any
administrative laws that could regulate the conduct of government or that of
officials. Further, like planned economy, new laws in China are created not
based upon the need, but upon the quotas, as required by the entry to WTO.
Still, since the legal and judicial systems are not independent in China, it
remains a question whether the new and old laws will be implemented at all.
- Another significant aspect of lawmaking in China is that despite a sharp
increase in legal regulations by the Communist Party, they are meant to
regulate and control of its people, instead of being created to guarantee
the rights of the people. For example, the new Internet law is created to
restrict people's access to information from abroad, instead of liberalizing
the industry. We have also seen ample reports that senior officials are able
to enjoy immunity from being prosecuted for all sorts of criminal act,
whereas the rights of innocent citizens are often violated without
- In the U.S. we see a tendency that laws are often made to curb or restrict
the power of the government, and the government cannot do something that its
people have not given it the right to do it. The government is empowered or
entitled to do something only if the people want the government to do it
through providing it with the right to do it. And people can also take the
right back from the government if they find the government has too much
power or abuses its power.
- Also, in the U.S. we see that laws are made to maximize the rights of the
people who tend to have unlimited right. Unless there is a law that clearly
states that you cannot do it, you can do just about everything. For the US
government, however, the situation is reversed, because the government can
only do things that the people have authorized them to do, with clearly
defined power that is granted to it by the people. The lawmaking in the U.S.
serves the interest of its people because they are the ones who influence
the outcome of the lawmaking process. So we see in the US Constitution the
statement of "We the people".
- In China, the Constitution is like a house rule book. Whoever becomes the
dictator, he or she will re-write it. In Mao's time, Mao Tze-tung Thoughts
became the guiding principles of the Constitution. In Deng Xiaoping era,
Deng's version of Communism was built into the Constitution. With Jiang
Zemin in power today, his so-called "Three Represents" concept has
now become part of the Constitution to reaffirm Communist dictatorship in
this 21st century. So the Constitution is being amended not to give people
more rights, but to record the legacy of each dictator in the Chinese
Communist legal history.
- Each time we visit the newly revised the Chinese Constitution, we find
that the people have in fact just lost some more rights. Therefore, many
Chinese people have cried out loud, "Stop revising the house rules or
the Constitution; let us execute it for once."
- However, executing Chinese Constitution can become illegal and dangerous,
as noted by a visiting Chinese legal scholar in the U.S. Why? If one truly
exercises a Constitutional right such as the freedom of press, the freedom
of conscience, the freedom of expression, and the freedom of association,
this person would end up in jail, if not dead. The cases of Falun Gong
practitioners we have heard here are typical examples. They don't cheat,
they don't steal, they don't commit any criminal wrongdoing; instead they
have been trying to follow their ancient teachings of Truthfulness,
Compassion, and Tolerance to be good people. But in today's China, it
becomes wrong to be right, and it is right to be wrong. As a Western
attorney marveled, lawsuits in China are more a guessing game, very
unpredictable, as he has lost cases that he should have won in China, but
won cases that he should have lost in the eye of law.
- So this brings me to the final point of rule of law vs. rule by law. In a
civil society, the Constitution is above the agenda of all political parties
and serves as the ultimate source of power. But because the Communist
Party's policy is above the Constitution and because the Constitution is a
tool that serves the interest of a political party rather than the interest
of the entire population, there is no rule of law in China. Rather, the
Communist Party rules by issuing inconsistent decrees and policies. When
such decrees and polices violate its own Constitution, the decrees and
policies over-ride its Constitution. We have heard many cases during the
conference that have exemplified this argument. This is why this same
visiting Chinese legal scholar said, "It is much safer to violate the
Constitution than to violate a Communist Party policy." In the U.S. it
is the other way round. There are many people who disagree with certain
polices of the government and they are entitled to do so without the fear of
being tortured or sent to jail for their dissenting opinions. No one,
including the President, would likely escape prosecution if they are found
to have violated the Constitution.
- In the end, I wish to point out that the International Advocates for
Justice is a new, nonprofit NGO that aims at promoting rule of law and
seeking justice for innocent victims through the courts of law. Human rights
are a moral issue, and a matter of protecting human dignity. We hope that
all participants will benefit from this conference and let us work together
to help end injustice and the atrocity occurring to the Falun Gong
practitioners in China.
Again, thank you very much for your participation in this conference, and I
wish you and your family the very best in the year of 2004.