Today’s Articles
April 2, 2004
About Dafa
- Translation of Q&As Added in "Teaching the Fa at the 2004 Western U.S. Fa Conference"
- Announcement by China Mental Health Watch: Investigating Mental Torture and Misuse of Mental Institutions in the Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in China
- My Personal Account of Being Severely Persecuted (Photo)
- Practitioners Forced to Wear Heavy Shackles at the Pingxiang City Second Detention Center, Jiangxi Province (Illustration)
- Dafa Disciples from Huling City, Yingchun Area, Heilongjiang Province, Provide Evidence to Sue Jiang; Police Take Revenge
- Crimes Committed by Policemen Cai Jiang and Cai Qingzhu from Nongan County, Jilin Province
- Ill-Gotten Gains of Bai Wenyou from Shuangta District Police Station in Chaoyang City, Liaoning Province
- 140 People Declare that their Words and Deeds Under Forced Brainwashing are Null and Void
- Overseas Practitioners, Please Pay Attention to the Issue of Regularly Sending Forth Righteous Thoughts Four Times a Day
- High School Student Li Xinxin from Yongji County, Jilin Province, Back in School; Thanks to Efforts of Fellow Practitioners
- A Practitioners' Dignity and Compassion During Detention
- Dafa Gave Me a Second Life
- Putting My Heart and Soul into Saving All Beings
- A Young Nun Practitioner's Story
- The Epoch Times: Crowd Control Chinese Style
- KYW Radio: Falun Gong Adherents Press Case in Philadelphia and UN
- Australia: Hornsby & Upper North Shore Advocate report: Worried mum enlists MP
- Daughter Expresses Gratitude to Overseas Practitioners and Media as Professor Zeng Lingwen Is Released from Forced Labor Camp (Photo)
- Dafa Practitioners of Shizuoka-ken County, Japan Clarify the Truth to Congressmen and Gain their Support to Rescue Fellow Practitioners Being Persecuted in China
- Falun Gong Practitioners Invited to University of Michigan Medical School's Health and Cultural Fair (Photo)
- Melbourne, Australia: Falun Dafa Shines in Williamstown Festival (Photos)
- Taiwan: Falun Dafa Seminars at a Government Institution (Part 3) (Photos)
- Chinese Tourist: If Everyone Would Act According to Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, the World Would Be a Better Place -- Thailand Falun Dafa Practitioners Clarifying the Truth (Photo)
- Prisoners Change Upon Witnessing Amazing Turn of Events