(Clearwisdom.net) In July 2004, when the Chinese Consulate in Hamburg opened for work at 9 am, they found Falun Gong practitioners at their doors. Practitioners intended to publicize and peacefully appeal against the unrelenting five year persecution. They also demanded an immediate end to the human rights violations in China, which has had a devastating effect on millions of people. The number of deaths due to the persecution of Falun Gong in China has now exceeded 1,000 people. Practitioners from Bremen, Hanover and Bielefeld arrived to partake in the activities. They performed the exercises and distributed truth clarification material to the Consulate visitors who had come there on business.

The practitioners decided to hold an information day in the city center. Although it rained, they decided to set up a booth. They found that even during the setting up of the booth, pedestrians stopped by and asked for a flyer. At times there was very heavy rain. The rain stopped as the practitioners continued to send pure righteous thoughts.

Two women listened, holding up their umbrellas against the drizzle, to our truth clarification. They signed the petition against the persecution of Falun Gong. Not long after that the rain stopped.

The bad weather did not prevent the people from finding out about Falun Gong. They were friendly and willing to hear more about the persecution and the lawsuit against Jiang and his clique.

Source: http://www.clearharmony.net/articles/200407/21020.html