(Clearwisdom.net) A new German-language Falun Gong movie can be viewed and downloaded from http://fgmtv.net/ by clicking on "German Videos".
The film, "Falun Gong. A Peaceful Meditative Practise is Being Brutally Persecuted" is a co-production by Falun Gong practitioners from Taiwan, Switzerland and Germany.
It documents the history of Falun Gong using impressive imagery, facts and information from reliable sources.
The first ten minutes show the contrast between the peaceful meditative technique and its relentless persecution in China. It explains the basics about Falun Gong and how it was supported by the national government and won awards when it first started to spread in China.
The next ten minutes of the movie deal with its prohibition in China and with the brutality employed by the Jiang Zemin regime to suppress its own citizens. Vivid images document the enormous brutality used and the extent of this persecution. Media reports and other independent sources, bringing to light the torture and murder committed in Chinese labor camps, are cited.
Source: http://www.clearharmony.net/articles/200407/21044.html
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