Today’s Articles
Aug. 27, 2004
About Dafa
- Torture Method: Stomping (Photo)
- Police Brutality: Putting a Dafa Practitioner in a Cage to be Bitten by Mosquitoes
- Ms. Wu Guifang is on the Brink of Death from Repeated Force-Feedings at the Gaoyang Forced Labor Camp in Hebei Province
- Ms. Yu Guilan is Distressed and Emaciated After Receiving Persecution at the Heizuizi Female Forced Labor Camp
- Dafa Practitioner's Husband Dies From Shock and Grief After Repeated Arrests of His Wife
- After Practitioner Lu Changliang Was Tortured to the Brink of Death, the Police Ask, "If She Dies, So What?"
- Falun Dafa Practitioner Mr. Dai Jun from Mishan City, Heilongjiang Province is Tortured and Sentenced to Six Years of Imprisonment
- My Liver Problems, Coronary Disease, Blood Diseases, and Rheumatoid Arthritis Miraculously Disappeared
- Husband's Stomach Cancer, Wife's Heart Disease Disappear after Practicing Falun Dafa
- Taiwan: A Teacher from the Philippines Goes to Taiwan to Find Work, and also Discovers Falun Dafa (Photo)
- Practitioner's Husband Demands Justice from the "610 Office" - His Long Term Illness Disappears
- Fundamentally Negate All the Old Forces' Arrangements for Those Dafa Practitioners Suffering from Severe Sickness Karma
- Send Righteous Thoughts with a Righteous Mind
- On the Relationship of the Clearwisdom Website and Overseas Dafa Practitioners
- Suggestions for Rescuing Detained Practitioners Through Determined Efforts
- Falun Gong is Great!: A Taiwanese Beautician's Cultivation Story (Photos)
- Pullman, Washington, USA: Falun Gong Practitioners Win Award at the National Lentil Festival Parade, People Praise "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance" (Photos)
- Geneva: Article from Swiss Newspaper 'La Tribune de Genève': Five years of Persecution for Falun Gong Followers
- Taiwan: The Young Practitioners Summer Camp of 2004 Held in Kaohsiung (Photos)
- Latest News from China - August 10, 2004
- 146 People Declare that their Words and Deeds Under Forced Brainwashing are Null and Void