(Clearwisdom.net) On July 29, 2004, Dan Sanchez wrote a critical letter to SanGabriel Valley Tribune (CA) about local government officials' improper comments on Falun Gong. Mr. Sanchez pointed out that Falun Gong is now freely practiced in more than 60 countries while unfortunately it is being suppressed in China since 1999. Because of the persecution, he said that there is documentation of at least 1,000 practitioners being persecuted to death, while actually number is much higher.

"Hundreds of thousands have been detained, with hundreds of thousands sentenced to prisons, forced labor camps, brainwashing centers, and mental hospitals, typically without trial," Mr. Sanchez wrote in the letter.

Dan said that his own daughter Gina went to Tiananmen Square to tell Chinese that Falun Gong is good and is being freely practiced in many other nations. Gina and other western fellows were brutalized and arrested by Chinese police, Dan said.

In conclusion, Dan said: "Local U.S. government officials should support efforts to eradicate human rights abuses and not knowingly or unknowingly repeat defamatory slander against persecuted groups like Falun Gong."

Category: Perspective