(Clearwisdom.net) Recently a few outrageous cases were exposed on the net about how some Falun Gong practitioners were persecuted. Ms. Wang Xia of Linhe City, Inner Mongolia, was force fed and drugged. She was reduced from 55 kg (120 lb) to 20 kg (45 lb), left nothing but skin and bones. Ms. Wang Guijin of Huaiyang County, Henan Province, nine months pregnant, was forced to abort her child. Mr. Zhang Lianjun of Chifeng City, a Qinghua University student, has been tortured and reduced to a vegetative State by the Beijing National Security Brigade.
When people hear about stories of atrocities such as these, intuitively they will not believe it. Even when the victims' names, addresses and phone numbers were provided, but some would still not believe it. They think that the police officers in China are somewhat crude and that it is inevitable that some things like this might happen. Also, they believe that if these incidents were happening regularly, that those in responsible positions would have intervened. In short, they do not believe that the persecution is so severe, so widespread, and has lasted so long.
After two decades of China's new policy of reform and openness, Chinese people's lives have improved somewhat, and with more and more contact with the outside world, Chinese people have become hopeful for the future. Exactly because of this hope, many Chinese people refuse to believe that such torture and persecution is happening at this moment in China. The fact that people don't believe it points to the fact that the persecution against Falun Gong is beyond people's imagination.
No matter how crude the Chinese police officers are, they should be constantly improving. However, the persecution instigated by the Jiang regime has turned some police officers into beasts without any conscience. The police officers have become worse instead of better.
Let's put ourselves in the shoes of the police officers who force fed Wang Xia and drugged her, and those that physically abused Ms. Wang Guijin, causing her to abort her child, and those who beat up a Qinghua university student and reduced him to a vegetative state. When they did those things, couldn't they feel the pain of the victims? Were they born like that?
Maybe not. The police officers also have families. Those who are being persecuted may be their relatives or their contemporaries. How could they do such a thing?
One police officer said that if he did not "transform" Falun Gong practitioners, he would be penalized and lose his job. He needs to support his family.
His supervisor said that if he did not fulfill the quota for persecuting Falun Gong, he would be criticized. He would not get a promotion.
The higher authorities said that he would not be able to keep his job if he did not suppress Falun Gong.
The chain goes on and on. Jiang Zemin would say, with so many people practicing Falun Gong, how could I not be jealous? He would not feel secure if Falun Gong was not eliminated. He doesn't' believe that he can't eliminate Falun Gong.
We say that the persecution is evil and hidden, and it is because the perpetrators use excuses that sound "reasonable" to cover up their acts. When that little bit of conscience is diminished by Jiang's policies instigating persecution, the evil in their hearts is enlarged and they lose all their humanity, allowing them to do the cruelest things to the kindest people.
On the surface, the Falun Gong practitioners are the ones suffering, but in fact, those who have participated are also victims because they have been transformed from human beings into beasts. The degradation of their hearts and souls is poisonous to individuals and to the whole society.
September 3, 2004
Category: Perspective