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United Kingdom: An Overseas Student Appeals for the Rescue of his Sixty-Two Year Old Father, Li Changxing

Sept. 20, 2004 |   By a UK student

(Clearwisdom.net) My father's name is Li Changxing, and he is sixty-two years old. His house in Jiangjin, Chongqing was illegally searched and his property was confiscated while he was staying there. About one month after my father was kidnapped and forced to attend a brainwashing class, he was illegally forced into a labor camp for a year for refusing to give up practicing Falun Gong. Then he was hijacked to Xi Sanping Labor Camp in Chongqing, which is notorious for its ruthless torture of practitioners. From then on, we haven't heard from him and we don't know whether he is still alive or not. My mother, together with my sisters and brothers, are heavy-hearted and I can't set my heart at rest whilst I am here studying in the UK.

I can't bear to look back on the cruel persecution happening in the labor camp in Zhejiang Province. Before practicing Falun Gong, my father lost his temper easily and suffered from lots of illnesses. I am not sure whether he, both his health and spirit, can stand more perverse and cruel persecution in the labor camp in Chongqing after he is brainwashed and deprived of practicing Falun Gong.

My father is a retired worker from the Diesel Engine Factory in Chongqing. Before practicing Falun Gong, he was suffering from many diseases. He suffered from neurasthenia when he was at school. When he was young he hurt his back while working, and stayed in hospital for years. He was very weak for years and suffered from high blood pressure and other problems commonly found in the elderly. He had been bickering endlessly with my mother. I almost ran away from home because of their endless quarrels when I was young. In February 1997, I went home and introduced Falun Gong to my parents, and they began learning it immediately. It was not long before they were free from the diseases. People said they looked young and my father became a volunteer instructor, teaching people to practice Falun Gong and a counselor, too. Since then the family had been on good terms and the endless quarrels that had been happening for years ceased.

My parents demanded of themselves that they act according to the standard of a Falun Gong practitioner and always thought about other people when encountering difficulties. Our neighbors and friends said they were getting kinder and kinder. I didn't worry about their health and family relationships any more. Practicing Falun Gong not only economizes medical expenses for the country but also transforms people's philosophy and worldview. They are convinced by Falun Gong's principles and the great changes happening in their own bodies. Falun Gong teaches people to be a good person with higher morality, who puts other people's interest ahead of their own in accordance with the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance. With these principles in mind, they don't fight with people and treat others well.

In July 1999, Jiang Zemin mobilized the entire state apparatus to persecute Falun Gong, which teaches people to cultivate themselves and to be kind to others. All the media in China wildly spread slander and propaganda against Falun Gong. My honest parents, who never tell lies, could not believe that the state media would spread false information, so they felt confused about Falun Gong. In October of the same year, they left their hometown for Guangzhou, where I was living, because they were under great pressure. After reading the Fa quietly and the articles about Falun Gong that I downloaded, their bewilderment brought from the slander and propaganda disappeared, and they firmly continued practicing Falun Gong.

In 2001, my father and I were illegally detained for a month. The excuse used by the police was that we posted articles explaining the true situation regarding Falun Gong. In the detention house, my father was tortured and blackmailed out of 10,000 yuan as a guarantee, and after paying he was allowed to go home. I was illegally detained in Zhejiang labor camp for two years. After going home, my father feared that I couldn't stand the persecution, and he thought he would go to Zhejiang to suffer the persecution in my place. Facing great danger, my father went on telling the facts about Falun Gong to our relatives and friends.

In March 2004, he went back to his hometown, where he was illegally searched and his property confiscated. He was kidnapped to a brainwashing class and brainwashed for a month. He was illegally put into a labor camp for a year for his refusing to give up practicing Falun Gong. Then he was taken to a labor camp. We haven't heard from him since.

Jiang Zemin launched a campaign of persecution against Falun Gong and used state finances to persecute Falun Gong practitioners: "Physically destroy them, ruin their reputations and financially bankrupt them." He brutally persecutes countless people like my father, and even women, children and the elderly. Under Jiang Zemin's policy, the Chongqing labor camp illegally locked up my father and brutally persecuted him. He is isolated from the outside world and we have not heard anything about him. Is this the 'best time for human rights', which Jiang Zemin boasts of?

Falun Dafa asks practitioners to be compassionate and tolerant, and to have no hate in their hearts. The persecution of my father and other Falun Gong practitioners is still going on in Mainland China. I really don't want the persecution my father and thousands of other Falun Gong practitioners have suffered to continue. I hope my words here can get the attention of the kind people in the world, and also help to end the cruel persecution of humanity.

Source: http://clearharmony.net/articles/200409/22006.html