Today’s Articles
Sept. 23, 2004
About Dafa
- Falun Gong Practitioners Go on Hunger Strike to Protest the Torture Death of Bi Wenming at Dingxi Prison, Gansu Province
- Dafa Practitioner Ms. Nan Xiaoqing's Life is in Danger from Long Term Incarceration and Persecution
- Numerous Atrocities and Perverse Torture Methods in Changlinzi Forced Labor Camp
- Jiang Zemin Visits Huludao City; Authorities from Huludao Forced Labor Camp Intensify the Persecution of Falun Dafa Practitioners on Hunger Strike
- College Teacher Mr. Huang Min from the University of Jiamusi is Cruelly Persecuted for Broadcasting Documentary Videos
- Police Arrest and Persecute 60 Year Old Woman
- Torture Methods Frequently Used on Falun Gong Practitioners in the Huangpu and Haizhu Brainwashing Centers in Guangzhou, China (Illustrations)
- Demonstration of Torture Methods Used on Falun Gong Practitioners in Shenyang City's Longshan Forced Labor Camp (Photos)
- Canada: Deputy Prime Minister Anne McLellan Writes to Falun Gong Practitioner Concerning the Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in China
- The Awakening of a "610 Office" Director
- Practitioners' Truth-Clarification on Wall Street Interrupted by Deceived Individual; Police Officer Shows His Support for Falun Gong
- Germany: People Ask Practitioners, "What Can We Do To Help You?" at Anti-Torture Exhibition in Nuremberg (Photos)
- Austria's Herrn Magazine: The Long Arm of Jiang Zemin in Austria (Photos)
- Epoch Times: Retired Teacher Exposes Crimes of Chinese Police
- Introducing Falun Dafa at the Annual Hot Air Balloon Race in St. Louis, Missouri (Photo)
- Spreading Falun Dafa at the 2004 California State Fair
- International Legal and Truth Clarification Materials for Lawsuits Against Jiang (Part 2)
- Some Thoughts after Studying Teacher's Recent Article, "Let Go of Human Attachments and Save the World's People"
- Cultivating in the Fa-rectification Period
- Finding Our Shortcomings through Communicating with Fellow Practitioners
- Latest News from China - September 8, 2004
- 285 People Declare that their Words and Deeds Under Forced Brainwashing are Null and Void
- Summary of Other Articles and News -- September 5, 2004
- Summary of Other Articles and News -- September 8, 2004