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Non-Practitioners Come to Understand and Support Dafa in a Detention Center

Sept. 26, 2004 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) I would like to share my experiences about the process of truth clarification in a detention center.

The police abducted me and sent me to the city's detention center in early 2002. I was detained at the center for almost a year. Here, I would like to share several stories that I experienced and which made me feel Teacher's great benevolence, and the fact that Dafa could save people who might have a predestined relationship.

1. Group study and practice of Falun Gong

In our cell, there were twelve Falun Dafa practitioners and twelve non-practitioners. Since we had a good understanding of the Fa, it brought about a good atmosphere. We had a group study of the book Zhuan Falun on Saturday and Sunday. Everyone who was on the night duty practiced the Falun Gong exercises. Some started to memorize "Lunyu," [the preface for Zhuan Falun.] Whenever there was a conflict, people looked inside themselves for their own faults. Lots of people mentioned that being in the center was better than being outside because they could learn Falun Dafa in the center.

2. Non-practitioners Protect Dafa Materials

The police guards consistently held an unscheduled search of our cell once or twice per week. Most often, they conducted a search in the break time when everyone was out. To avoid loss of Dafa materials, we would hide the book and other Dafa materials in a safe place during the break. Once, without anyone noticing, the division leader came into the cell and stared at me. A non-practitioner quietly put the Dafa book in a safe place for me. The division leader, as a result, did not find anything. When the door was locked behind the division leader, everyone in the cell breathed a sigh of relief. A year passed and we did not lose any Dafa materials at our cell. We also provided good opportunities for ordinary people in our cell to position themselves righteously.

3. Delivering Master's Poem

After the April 25th appeal (1), the practitioners who were sent later to the center brought a copy of Master's poem, "Dafa is Good". They were in the cell adjacent to us. However, we could not reach them. During a break for fresh air, we shouted to the people on the other side of the wall, "Do you have the new article?" They replied, "Yes, there are eight sentences." We immediately found eight people so that each one could remember one sentence. Over the wall came the sentences for the poem. First was "Dafa is Good." The second person remembered the sentence, "The colossal firmament illuminated by the Fa's light."(2) The third person remembered, "Only after the immense force of Fa-rectification sweeps through" and the fourth person remembered, "Are the boundless wonders known." The fifth person remembered the next sentence and it continued in this manner.

By doing this, each person, whether he or she was a practitioner or not, was responsible for one sentence. We all tried to remember our own sentence by repeating it. By the time we were back in the cell after the break, we had the whole poem memorized.

4. "We listen to Falun Gong"

An illegally arrested Dafa practitioner increased her time for practicing the exercises when she heard that she would be sentenced soon. She first sent forth righteous thoughts at midnight and continued to practice until daybreak. The division leader hated her and tracked her activities using a monitoring device. One day, when the division leader found the practitioner doing the exercises, she was enraged and yelled to the inmates sharing the cell with the practitioner, "Get up, all of you! None of you can sleep." Seeing this, the Dafa practitioner stopped her practice.

The next day, the non-practitioners came and said emotionally to the practitioner, "You did this for us. You stopped the practice in order to let us sleep. We understand completely. However, from now on, don't worry about us and continue to practice. We do not listen to the division leader. We listen to Falun Gong."

5. Going to Tiananmen Square with mom to appeal would be the first thing to do after being released

A non-practitioner was in the center for trying to get her husband out of a financial crime. After she understood the truth about Dafa, she said, "My mother was a Dafa practitioner, but I did not let her go out. Now I know the truth about Dafa. If I have a chance to get out, I will bring my mom with me to Tiananmen Square to appeal for Falun Gong."


  1. April 25, 1999 -- The day when 10,000 practitioners peacefully appealed at the State Council Appeals Office in Beijing.