(Clearwisdom.net) On June 10, 1999, the former Chinese Communist Party (CCP) leader Jiang Zemin and his regime created the 610 Office. The sole purpose of this agency is to persecute Falun Gong. This agency integrated itself at all government levels and established itself as an integral part of society, using the people's money to persecute a group of innocent and kind people--Falun Gong practitioners. To conduct brainwashing, one of the most repugnant persecution methods used to "reform" Falun Gong practitioners, special facilities (brainwashing centers) were set up nationwide. In such centers, forced brainwashing, in its most despicable and cruel form is used to force practitioners to give up their belief in "Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance."
The Minghui website has exposed many brainwashing centers, forced labor camps and other places that are used to persecute Falun Gong practitioners. The methods used to torture practitioners are contemptible and horrifying. It was found that every persecution location in China was given a quota, spelling out clearly the number of practitioners that "have to be transformed." Those that meet the quota are rewarded. In places where the quota is not met, the upper management is demoted, with a corresponding reduction in salary. The money and opportunity for advancement encouraged and corrupt officials, police and others to follow without a second thought the order to participate in the persecution.
How does the 610 Office system verify the "transformation rate" of Falun Gong practitioners? How does the 610 Office manipulate and control the brainwashing of Falun Gong practitioners throughout China? The Evidence Collection Committee of the Minghui website has in its possession a document that provides details of the "Criteria to Evaluate Transformation" used by the 610 Office. This list details the factors that determine whether a Falun Gong practitioner is "transformed."
610 Office has never stopped forcing determined Falun Gong practitioners to renounce their faith
Document contents:
1. It details the sentencing of Falun Gong practitioner Wu Yangzen to forced labor by the Forced Labor Management Committee of Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province.
2. The notice of Wu Yangzen's sentence.
3. Document to verify the practitioner's release issued by Chatou Forced Labor Camp of Guangzhou City.
4. "The schedule and targets of Transformation work," signed on December 1, 2003, by the CCP Committee of the Provincial bureaus Special Units, the Gongdong Province Measurement Science Institution and practitioner Wu Yangzen's family.
The document details that Ms. Wu Yangzhen, over 50 years old, of Guangdong Province Measurement Science Institution is a Falun Gong practitioner. For this reason, the Guangzhou City Forced Labor Management Committee sentenced her to one year of forced labor, charging her with "disrupting the social order," on August 10, 2000. She was sent to Chatou Forced Labor Camp. On February 6, 2002, after Ms. Wu was detained for half-a-year beyond her original sentence, the labor camp released her.
It is clearly stated on the first page of the document "Schedule and Targets of Transformation Work," that the document was prepared meticulously following the instructions and spirit of two other documents: "Requirement of Using Newly Issued Criteria of Evaluating Education Transformation" from the Guangdong Province 610 Office and "Instruction of Carrying out Education Transformation on un-transformed Falun Gong Practitioners in Provincial Special Units 2003-2005," issued by the 610 Office Special Units affiliated with the Provincial Government.
The document was discussed during meetings with representatives from the respective units and the practitioner's family (see the first paragraph under this section for further detail). They discussed that even after "careful analysis and study" Wu Yangzhen could not be transformed. One and a half years of forced labor failed to destroy Wu Yangzhen's firm belief in "Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance." During the 22 months after her release, she could not be "reformed," even though she was subjected to a barrage of brainwashing methods, monitoring, pressure and threats. The perpetrators put her on the list of "untransformed practitioners" and assigned her as an "important person" to be transformed.
A new criterion for the evaluation of re-education from the 610 Office was implemented. The Provincial Bureau, Provincial Measurement Science Institution and Ms. Wu's family were named to be responsible for her transformation. From the CCP committee and its director of the Provincial Bureau, the President of Provincial Measurement Science Institution, Director of CCP Committee of the institution, Ms. Wu Yangzhen's younger sister and daughter were forced to become involved in the transformation effort. They had to attend meetings to discuss the transformation work, and became liable for monitoring the transformation.
Extending the persecution to the smallest unit in society - the practitioner's family
The third item, "Schedule and Targets of Transformation Work," details clearly the responsibility of the practitioner's family: "This part of the transformation work must be achieved by the consigned family member." Ms. Wu Yangzhen's younger sister was forced to be her "24-hour monitor" and closely keep track of her. Ms. Wu's daughter was forced to "reeducate and transform" Ms. Wu. The 610 Office's conscription of the family as an integral part of the transformation process not only forced people to be accomplices of the persecution, but also created great tension and conflict within the family. Drafting family members to brainwash another member destroys family bonds and affection and extends the persecution to the most fundamental unit of society, the family.
Before Jiang launched the persecution on July 20, 1999, countless families had benefited when they practiced Falun Gong, either individually or as a group. The relationships among couples and in-laws improved, and families lived in harmony. Since the persecution began, every family has been exposed to the slanderous hate propaganda and brainwashing. The persecution has extended to non-practicing family members under the principle of "guilt by association." Ms. Wu Yangzhen's situation is clear evidence of this. The daughter was used to transform her mother; the younger sister was forced to monitor her own sister. This is the family involvement that the 610 Office implemented. In the persecution, one of the most sinister accusations about Falun Gong practitioners' behavior that is being widely spread and advanced by Jiang's regime is that practitioners neglect their families. Yet, Ms. Wu Yangzhen's situation reveals that the truth is exactly the opposite of what those behind the persecution have alleged. Who is in fact ignoring the affection among family members? Who is in fact destroying the families? Who turns the harmony within families who benefited from Falun Gong into one of discord? Who forces those family members to follow the dictates of the 610 Office?
Close transformation and monitoring severely violate human rights
"Schedule and Targets of Transformation Work" delineates clearly the responsibilities of designated work units and family members. The designated units and persons must at all times clearly be aware of the practitioner's thoughts. The leaders and responsible personnel of the Provincial Bureau, and the Provincial Measurement Science Institution must visit practitioners' homes regularly, especially on important holidays. This changes the home into a detention center, and forces family members to become conscripted staff members of the 610 Office. They had to monitor Ms. Wu Yangzhen around the clock, day-in and day-out. The document also ordered that Ms. Wu be held in isolation, with no contact with the outside world. 24-hour monitoring was a further requirement to ensure that Ms. Wu Yangzhen was kept in detention. The practitioner must be prevented from contacting other practitioners. He or she has no rights as stipulated in the constitution, and loses all personal freedoms.
Such "close monitoring" is also strictly enforced in brainwashing centers and forced labor camps throughout the country. The centers and labor camps command criminal inmates to monitor the practitioners around the clock, day-in and day-out. They separate practitioners from each other, closely watch their behavior and words, keep them isolated in a stressful and distressed environment, and maintain mental pressure. All these methods are to "reeducate" the practitioner and "transform" them. Practitioners that are determined to practice Falun Gong after being released are subject to "close monitoring." Close monitoring is enforced by the practitioner's work unit and his/her family. This command forces more people to become accomplices of the persecution.
The truth of the 610 Office transformation criteria: Transformation is to change the practitioners to become unscrupulous people
The document points to the purpose of doing transformation work on Ms. Wu Yangzhen. It lays out the 610 Office's criteria for evaluating transformation work.
The first evaluation criteria details a number of physical tortures and mental pressure, which is meant to force the practitioner to yield, and to agree to "not practice Falun Gong" either with or without a formal written statement. This is the only purpose of this tragic persecution against Falun Gong, initiated by Jiang's regime. They labeled the peaceful and beneficial practice as "illegal," and then ruthlessly persecuted Falun Gong practitioners and their belief in "Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance."
The second evaluation criteria is meant to prevent Falun Gong practitioners who were transformed from changing their mind, to stop the distribution of Falun Gong information, and to maintain the transformation rate. The 610 Office uses many strategies in its persecution. There are a number of methods to force practitioners to "hand in all Falun Gong related books, materials etc." They continue to persecute other practitioners and destroy Falun Gong material production sites. The 610 Office attempts to pry other practitioners' names out of detained practitioners. But during the five years of persecution, information about Falun Gong could not be blocked, and information production sites were established in every city of China. Confiscating Falun Gong materials and destroying production sites were not accomplished as planned by the 610 Office.
The 610 Office's third criteria, "Openly expose and criticize [Falun Gong]" stipulates that the reformed practitioners 'openly' curse and slander Falun Gong and its founder." Thus, the 610 Offices force people to go against their beliefs and their consciences.
The fourth and fifth criteria require that the transformed practitioners report other practitioners and "assist in transforming" other practitioners. These final criteria force transformed practitioners to commit more crimes and eventually destroy their cultivation and hope for the future.
As more and more evidence about the persecution comes to light, the persecutors are getting nervous and fearful of the day when justice will be served. We call on more and more people to join the effort to stop the persecution.
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![]() ![]() "Sentence of Falun Gong practitioner Wu Yangzen to forced labor" |
![]() ![]() "Notice of Wu Yangzen's sentence" |
![]() ![]() "Release certificate from forced labor" |
January 5, 2005
Category: Perspective