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Latest News from China -- November 7, 2005

Nov. 18, 2005


  1. [Xiangcheng City, Henan Province] Falun Gong Practitioner Cui Qingmei Sentenced to Three Years of Imprisonment for Clarifying the Truth
  2. [Tongliao City, Inner Mongolia AR] Police from Baokang Town Arrest Three Falun Gong Practitioners
  3. [Haikou City, Hainan Province] Arrest of Several Practitioners
  4. [Liaocheng City, Shandong Province] Police Torture Practitioner Yu Chuanqi to Near-death
  5. [Guiping City, Guangxi Autonomous Region] Liang Yongzhao Arrested for Clarifying the Truth

1. [Xiangcheng City, Henan Province] Falun Gong Practitioner Cui Qingmei Sentenced to Three Years of Imprisonment for Clarifying the Truth

Personnel from the Xiangcheng City National Security Team and the Dingji Police Station arrested Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Cui Qingmei from Longwangmiao Village, Dingji Town, Xiangcheng City, Henan Province and put her into the City Detention Center. Afterwards, the Procurator's Office approved the arrest and sentenced her to three years of imprisonment. In early September, 2005 she was sent to the Xinxiang City Forced Labor Camp.

2. [Tongliao City, Inner Mongolia AR] Police from Baokang Town Arrest Three Falun Gong Practitioners

At around 10:30 a.m. on November 5, 2005, an officer from the Baokang Town Police Station broke into the home of 45-year-old Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Li Guizhi who was talking with another female practitioner at the time. When the police found some Falun Dafa truth-clarifying materials, they barricaded the house and called the station chief for more police forces. Later, the visiting female practitioner managed to escape, but practitioner Li Guizhi was arrested.

At around 12:00 p.m., practitioners Ms. Zhang Shujie, 34 years old, an employee of the Town Decoration Institute, and self-employed Ms. Qu Liling, 50 years old, who worked alone to support her son at university, were arrested from their respective homes.

Baokang Town Police Station chief's office: 86-475-3212510, Duty Office: 86-475-3212541

3. [Haikou City, Hainan Province] Arrest of Several Practitioners

In September 2005, several practitioners, including Mr. Wang Lin, husband and wife Ms. Li Shun and Mr. Huang Tianlong and their daughter Lili, from Haikou City, Hainan Province were arrested.

Wang Lin made a living by selling MP3 players at a commercial market in Haikou City. Haikou police secretly arrested him, giving the reason of his recording The "Nine Commentary on the Communist Party" on MP3 players for others to listen to.

Li Shun and Huang Tianlong run a small grocery store on Xiuyingxiao Street of Haikou City. The police covertly arrested the whole family. According to an investigation, Wang Lin, Huang Tianlong and other practitioners are being held at the No.2 City Detention Center, and Li Shun and her daughter Lili are held at the No.1 City Detention Center. Repeatedly the police beat them and deprived them of sleep for several days. They also did not allow them to have a bath. The purpose of this torture was to attempt to brainwash the practitioners while in police custody. The practitioners were also forced to listen to false information from the Chinese Communist Party.

Related units and responsible persons (Country code: 86, area code: 898. Do not dial area code before a cell phone numbers).
No.1 Detention Center chief office of Haikou City Police Department: 68653199
Tang Shuxiong, deputy chief: 68641168 (Office), 13337631215 (Cell)
Feng Weiqing, political instructor: 68653199 (Office), 13098912555 (Cell)
No.2 Detention Center of the Haikou City Police Department:
Xu Xiong, chief: 68667296 (Office), 13036018707 (Cell)
Yun Changchuan, political head: 68667296 (Office), 13337631259 (Cell)
Sun Yingxi, deputy chief: 68667296 (Office), 13337631037 (Cell)

4. [Liaocheng City, Shandong Province] Police Torture Practitioner Yu Chuanqi to Near-death

Practitioner Mr. Yu Chuanqi from Yanggu County, Liaocheng City, Shandong Province, suffered from liver dysfunction before practicing Falun Gong. After beginning the practice in 1998, he recovered. Local police have persecuted him since July 20, 1999, when the persecution of Falun Gong began. He has led a homeless life (in attempts to avoid persecution) since 2001. During the past four years, he has been on the Yanggu County Police Department's wanted list, with a 50,000 yuan reward posted for his arrest. On September 28, 2005, personnel from Yanggu County Police Station arrested him.

According to insiders from the police station, on the day of his arrest, he was badly wounded on the face from torture. Police from Yanggu County beat Yu Chuanqi into a coma several times. The scenes were too miserable to see. Police blocked the news about him. It is heard that Yu Chuanqi was sent to the Emergency Room of the Yanggu County People's Hospital. His life is in peril.

Phone numbers of related units (Country code: 86, Area code: 635)
Yanggu County Police Department chief's office: 6212606
Yanggu County People's Hospital director's office: 6216648
Emergency Room of Yanggu County People's Hospital: 6265120
Yanggu County Detention Center chief's office: 6518166

5. [Guiping City, Guangxi Autonomous Region] Liang Yongzhao Arrested for Clarifying the Truth

Personnel from the Guiping City Police Department and from the Luoxiu Police Station arrested practitioner Liang Yongzhao from Wangsheng Village, Luoxiu Town, Guiping City, Guangxi Autonomous Region.

Ms. Laing Yongzhao, 68 years old, started practicing Falun Gong in 1998 and soon after obtained physical and mental benefits. After the persecution began, the police interrogated her often. In 2003, she was detained and later released as police could not find any evidence to hold her. Recently, she was arrested again for clarifying the truth and distributing truth-clarifying materials to some people.