Ms. Wei Xingyan is a Falun Gong practitioner. She was also a third year graduate student pursuing a Master's degree in High Voltage Direct Current Transmission and Simulation Technology at Chongqing University. On May 11, 2003, she was arrested for clarifying the truth about Falun Gong and sent to the Shapingba District 610 Office in Chongqing City for interrogation. On the night of May 13, 2003, at the Baihelin Detention Center, a policeman raped her in front of two female detainees. After the rape of Wei Xingyan was exposed, people around the world paid enormous attention to this case. The 610 Office and Chongqing University sealed off all documents about Wei Xingyan and related information about the case. The 610 Office also ordered the university to claim that there was no such student named Wei Xingyan and that there was no such major of High Voltage Direct Current Transmission and Simulation Technology. They even removed information about Wei's department from the university website.
Under extensive investigation by the World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (WOIPFG), the Southwest University of Politics and Law, where Wei obtained her Bachelor's degree, verified that Wei Xingyan was a student at Chongqing University. The Baihelin Detention Center also verified that Wei Xingyan was a detainee. One male policeman admitted that the detention center force-fed Wei. When Chongqing University modified its webpage, they forgot to delete a Word file of a brochure introducing its graduate school programs. This file mentioned the program of High Voltage Direct Current Transmission and Simulation Technology. Also, people who knew Wei said that Wei is about 5'4'' tall and that she was indeed a student at Chongqing University.
When this serious incident, backed up with strong evidence, was disclosed, the legislative departments took no action to punish the criminals by law. Instead, they participated in a mass arrest of local practitioners as a form of revenge for exposing the truth. They abducted dozens of Falun Gong practitioners who knew about the case. In February of 2004, the local court illegally sentenced five Falun Gong practitioners to prison. Practitioner Chen Shumin received a sentence of 13 years in prison, Li Jian 13 years, Lu Zhengqi 10 years, Yuan Qiuyan 10 years, and Yin Yan 5 years. In September 2004, the Chongqing Jiulongpo District Court illegally sentenced four more practitioners to imprisonment for their role in helping to expose the Wei Xingyan case. Their prison terms ranged from 7 to 13 years. The practitioners filed an appeal against the unjust verdict. On November 15, 2004, the Intermediate Court of Chongqing City ruled in favor of the original verdict. Both courts claimed that the Wei Xingyan incident had been fabricated by practitioners.
From this case, we have seen that no criminals received any punishment, while the Falun Gong practitioners who tried to clarify the truth to people received heavy sentences.
We can clearly see the true nature of the Chinese Communist Party's so-called "rule of law." During the CCP's persecution of Falun Gong practitioners, the dignity of the law has been totally ignored and trampled upon. Criminals dare to torture good people. After committing a crime, criminals simply cover up the truth and use the law to take revenge against those people who expose their crimes.
Based on statistics from within the Chinese government, by the end of October 2001, over 6000 Falun Gong practitioners had been illegally sentenced to imprisonment, and over 100,000 practitioners illegally sent to forced labor camps. We are unable to know the actual number of cases in which the CCP has used "laws" to persecute, torture, and murder Falun Gong practitioners. However, just based on the above cases that we know of, we can conclude that the principles of the Chinese legislative departments have been distorted so that the CCP can abuse laws and issue unjust sentences.
This is the 21st century. Everybody wants China to rule its people by law. However, from the CCP's actions towards Falun Gong, we can tell just how little it has been ruling its people by law. When countless kind and innocent Falun Gong practitioners are being brutally persecuted, tortured and murdered, there is no hope for the rule of law. In fact, the CCP brought state-sponsored terror to people around the world when it launched the persecution of Falun Gong. Who can truly say that stopping the persecution is none of his or her business?
Category: Perspective