(Clearwisdom.net) On the Northern coast of the Gulf of Bothnia, the Snow Castle of Kemi is an example of the talent and skills of local architects and builders. Inside the towering walls of the Snow Castle, both children and adults can find unforgettable experiences. It's a very popular sightseeing spot. Practitioners have been in contact with the organizer of the Snow Castle, who warmly welcomed practitioners to introduce Falun Gong to people and inform them about the brutal persecution happening in China.
It was snowing gently as practitioners demonstrated the exercises of Falun Gong on an ice stage. Many flyers were given out and people condemned the persecution openly. Many people were already aware of the injustice and brutality that Falun Gong practitioners have faced for the last six years. One lady said that she knows that this practice is good for people but still forbidden in China. A young boy read the information boards for a long time and he said that it's wrong to persecute people who believe in Falun Gong.
Many tourists from different parts of the world also passed by and wanted to find out more. There was also a TV reporter who was filming footage for an upcoming documentary about Falun Gong which will be broadcasted to all of Finland.
Originally published in Finnish at http://fi.clearharmony.net/articles/200502/2445.html
Source http://www.clearharmony.net/articles/200503/25425.html
Category: Parades & Other Community Events