(Clearwisdom.net) Several days ago, I obtained a copy of a notification from the Chinese Communist Party of Hebei Province, from the Gaocheng City 610 Office to every town, district, and work unit in Gaocheng City on February 1, 2005. The notification was regarding the persecution of Falun Gong. In China, a country where there is no free press, people habitually blame human rights abuses on the low quality of the officials at the grassroots level, and have little understanding of how brutal, systematic and organized the persecution of Falun Gong by the CCP and the Jiang regime is. From the detailed orders in this CCP local committee's notification, we can gain some insight into the strategy of the CCP's persecution of Falun Gong.
The mechanism that runs the CCP is that lower levels must obey higher levels, and every member of the CCP must obey the central committee. The order to the town and district level of the CCP's committee is from the Gaocheng City committee, and in the notification from the Gaocheng City committee, it says clearly that the order is from the Shijiazhuang City (the capital of Hebei Province) committee. The order cascaded down from the highest levels of the CCP leadership.
The chart below was made based on the notification from the Gaocheng City committee.
The persecution of Falun Gong in Gaocheng City is the epitome of the Jiang regime's persecution. From the detailed job assignment and arrangement by the Gaocheng City 610 Office, we can understand the systematic nature of the persecution of Falun Gong by the CCP and Jiang's regime.
Mobilizing every person and every CCP member
The Gaocheng City committee is trying to mobilize everybody to be against Falun Gong. They still use lies such as "the country and the CCP would die if we don't fight with Falun Gong" to mobilize people who don't know the truth about Falun Gong. In the notification, it says, "The fight with Falun Gong is far from finished. Everybody at each level of the party needs to fully understand that the fight is severe, complex and long term. In order to stabilize the foundation of our party's power and keep our party's position, we cannot relax or take it lightly."
When Chinese society is in all sorts of upheaval, including politics, the economy, the environment, and morality, the CCP still mobilizes and calls on all of society to fight with the cultivation group that follows the principle of "Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance." This is the manifestation of the CCP's nature of being anti-human, valuing violence, and against the flow of history.
Brainwashing and "transformation" - no one is spared
Some people think that if a person practices Falun Gong at home, then nothing will happen to him or her. However, in the notification from the Gaocheng committee, it says to "Thoroughly find out the real situation of those who have not been 'transformed.' For those who haven't been 'transformed,' the Gaocheng City 610 Office should send them in groups to the provincial brainwashing center to be 'transformed,' according to the Shijiazhuang City 610 Office's arrangement."
It begs the question, what do they want to "transform" those good people who follow the principle of Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance into?
Using the state machinery to persecute and suppress Falun Gong practitioners
Clarifying the truth is how Falun Gong practitioners peacefully deal with the CCP's slander and brutal persecution. During these years of persecution, the normal channels for Falun Gong to speak out have been blocked. But the non-conventional yet peaceful ways of speaking out that practitioners have been forced to take is also suppressed by the CCP. The "6 Prevents; 24-hour duty" in the notification from the Gaocheng committee is an example of this: 1. Prevent practitioners from going to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong. 2. Prevent practitioners from distributing informational materials locally. 3. Prevent practitioners from broadcasting programs about Falun Gong by using cable TV. 4. Prevent practitioners from spreading information about Falun Gong by the Internet or IP telephone. 5. Prevent information materials about Falun Gong from coming into Gaocheng City. 6. Prevent practitioners from gathering, doing group exercise and conversing, and prevent practitioners from using the law to defend themselves and from bringing charges against those who arrested or jailed them.
Using media propaganda to spread lies and incite hatred
Besides the brutal persecution, the CCP and Jiang's gang have used all of the Chinese media outlets under their control to spread lies and incite hatred. In the notification of the Gaocheng committee, it says: "The department of education should organize all the middle school and elementary school students to watch an anti-cult video around the Chinese New Year." "The City Science Association should have anti-Falun Gong activities in parks, squares, and farmer's markets." "After the Chinese New Year, each town and district should have anti-Falun Gong training for the village officers and officers in middle schools and elementary schools." "In every village with officers from high level committees, the village Communist Party committee should give at least one anti-Falun Gong lecture to the village people and party members."
The scope of the defamation encompasses everyone, either as a victim or a perpetrator, even including children.
Using phony kindness to create the illusion of peaceful "transformation"
In the notification from the Gaocheng committee, people won't see an order to kill or even beat anyone. Instead, what people see are words like "helping and teaching, having conversations, and showing concern." Are they truly being kind? Of course not. Behind those "kind" words are threats of losing one's job, career or retirement pension, the threat of dismissal from school, and the implication of family members to coerce them to "transform". Behind these benign-sounding words are real and terrible threats.
Although there are no words referencing violence in the notification from the Gaocheng committee, there is a "Three No's" - "No going to Beijing to appeal"; "No local public gathering and protesting"; "No broadcasting by cable TV". What does this mean? It means that the officers in each work unit and at each level of the CCP must enforce this order. It means that the CCP is trying to push these people and their families to oppose and persecute Falun Gong.
To Falun Gong practitioners, the "Three No's" mean the loss of freedom, harassment, fines, arrest and imprisonment, brainwashing, torture, being fired from work, the loss of retirement salaries, the forced involvement of family members and the workplace, even death and the breaking apart of one's family.
Closed Environment
In the theory of control engineering, there is a concept called "feedback," which includes "negative feedback" and "positive feedback." A "feedback signal" can be used to correct a system's behavior. For example, driving is a case of "negative feedback." When the driver finds that the car is too far to the right, he gets a mental "negative feedback signal," so he will correct it by turning left a bit. If it is too far to the left, then he will turn right a bit, so that the car can stay in the middle of the road. Fighting is a case of "positive feedback." Both sides get "positive feedback signals" from the reaction of the other person, so their anger will be heightened. They will go from quarrelling to fighting, and therefore have a bad final result. Usually when applied to real world situations, "negative feedback" is self-adapting and stabilizing, and "positive feedback" escalates the problem.
No government would say that all of its decisions are absolutely correct. Therefore, oversight and means to alter decisions are necessary. That means the government must provide the public with a mechanism of "negative feedback" to constrain its behavior, so that it will self-adapt and improve.
However, in persecuting Falun Gong, the CCP and Jiang's gang created a malignant system of "positive feedback," which uses all kinds of lies to malign and attack Falun Gong. The more they do so, the more it instigates hatred by the public, and therefore the persecution will become deeper and more severe. In order to maintain the persecution, the CCP needs to fabricate more and bigger lies to instigate more and bigger hatred. Thus, the only way for the practitioners to resolve all the irrational hatred is to clarify the truth. Once people know the truth, the system of "positive feedback" will be broken. The CCP and Jiang's gang don't give any chance to Falun Gong practitioners to defend themselves. Practitioners' clarifying the truth is the "negative feedback" channel for the public to know the truth and for the government to re-evaluate their decision and correct their wrong behavior.
The "6 Prevents" in the notification from the Gaocheng committee explicitly states that the CCP is trying to block all the channels that practitioners use to clarify the truth. The most ridiculous one is the 6th -- Preventing practitioners from gathering, doing group exercise and conversing, and preventing practitioners from using laws to protect themselves and bringing charges against the ones who arrested or imprisoned them. Even the fundamental right of using the law and appealing is being denied.
Why is Jiang's group afraid? They are afraid because they were wrong from the very beginning. It is their base nature that leads them to implement a closed, unhealthy system to persecute kind people.
This plan for persecuting Falun Gong in 2005 from the small city of Gaocheng is indicative of the comprehensive, systematic, and brutal nature of the persecution. It is not realistic to hope that the CCP will suddenly reverse course and change its fundamental nature. It is imperative for everyone to see the truth for themselves and make the right decision in siding with justice and resisting the persecution.
Category: Perspective