(Clearwisdom.net) On June 14, 2005, a seminar entitled, "Communism and Human Rights in China" was held in Helsinki, the capital of Finland. China experts from different countries expressed their views on both the current state and the future of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Their message to the Finnish Government and the public was that the human rights situation in China is getting worse. They especially mentioned the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners, which represents the most serious human rights crime in Chinese history. Major media outlets, including the Finnish News Agency and the newspaper, Helsingin Sanomat attended the seminar and a press conference on the same subject.
Well-known Chinese human rights activist Mr. Wei Jingsheng told the newspaper Uutislehti 100 that many European politicians think that the human rights situation in China is getting better. "Actually it is not getting better. Quite the opposite, it's getting worse," he stated.
According to Huvudstadsbladet, a Swedish newspaper in Finland, the CCP seems to be losing its power, since more than 2.2 million people have withdrawn from the Party. Since the Epoch Times published the series of articles, the "Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party," a major wave of withdrawals from the CCP has begun worldwide. An editor for The Epoch Times, Ms. Annette Guo, who also spoke in the seminar, said that 90 percent of those resigning from the party are from Mainland China.
Professor Nieh Sen, from the Catholic University of America, said in the seminar that he has been very sad about the terrible human rights situation in China, which seems to just get worse. But now when people have started to openly condemn the atrocities of the CCP and resign from the Party, he feels some optimism. "People have started to wake up from the nightmare of Communism," Professor Nieh Sen said.
In the past six years, the CCP has used the most brutal and evil methods to persecute Falun Gong practitioners. One hundred million people have been the direct target of this brutal oppression, as well as their family members, friends, co-workers, schoolmates etc. Because of the nature of the persecution, the number of people being affected by it extends far more than the one hundred million mentioned, said Professor Nieh Sen.
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