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Germany: Falun Gong Practitioners Participate in the Frankfurt Multi-cultural Parade (Photos)

July 11, 2005

(Clearwisdom.net) The city of Frankfurt holds its annual multi-cultural parade every June. On June 25, several thousand people in Frankfurt watched the many different parade performers under the blazing sunlight. Falun Gong practitioners wore traditional Chinese costumes and participated in the parade.

Practitioners performed traditional Chinese programs like fan-dancing, lotus flower dancing and waist drumming, which earned unceasing applause from the on-lookers along the street. On the parade route, practitioners came across several tourist groups from China who wanted to pose for pictures with the practitioners and take some Falun Gong leaflets.

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Falun Dafa in the multicultural parade
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A German girl sitting in meditation on a float
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Mother and son reading a leaflet
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A worthy trip for Chinese tourists
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Waist drum team
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Please give me a Falun Gong leaflet
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Traditional Chinese dancing
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German women in the waist drum team
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Taking photos with the Falun Gong performers
