Today’s Articles
July 30, 2005
About Dafa
- Falun Dafa Practitioner Mr. Pu Fanwei Is on the Brink of Death from Torture at Daqing City Prison
- Atrocities at Changlinzi Forced Labor Camp: Burning Fingernails, Using People as Punching Bags, Violent Beatings
- Financial Persecution of Practitioners in Panjin City
- Greed of the Xinji Police
- The Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in Nanmusi Forced Labor Camp, Sichuan Province
- Manipulated by the 610 Office, Shiyan City Court Sentences Ms. He Jiao to Prison
- U.S. Senator Congratulates 2005 Washington DC Fa Conference (Photo)
- The Institute on Religion & Democracy Calls on the U.S. Government to Stop Appeasement of CCP
- United Kingdom: The 20th of July -- A Day We Will Never Forget (Photos)
- Finland: July 20 Protest Calls for an End to Persecution of Falun Gong (Photos)
- Russia: Continuing to Appeal for an End to the Persecution After Six Years (Photos)
- Australia: Queensland Practitioners Hold Activities to Raise Awareness of the Six-Year Persecution (Photos)
- Sweden: People in Gothenburg Hope for an End to the Persecution (Photos)
- Washington, DC: Scenes from the 7·20 Rally (Photos)
- France: Anti-Torture Exhibition to Raise Awareness in Caen (Photos)
- The "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance International Art Exhibition" Website is Available in Several Languages
- Canada: Wedding and Trip to Introduce Falun Dafa (Photos)
- RFA: Family Members of a Hong Kong New Tang Dynasty TV Reporter Arrested in China
- BBC Monitoring: Pro-Falun Gong Journalist Says Family Detained in China
- Falun Gong News Bulletin: Members of Congress Join Rally to Condemn Persecution in China
- The Epoch Times: Hao Discloses 3-Year Spy Plan
- Cultivating Oneself Well is also the Key to Saving Sentient Beings
- Follow Master Li's Teaching, Clarify the Truth with Continuing Efforts
- Young Taiwanese Practitioners Clarify the Truth to Police and Internet Friends in Mainland China
- Look Inward and Become Worthy of the Name "Falun Dafa Practitioner"
- A Serious Lesson from My Eldest Sister's Experience
- A New Practitioner: Falun Gong Saved My Life
- 207 People Declare that their Words and Deeds Under Forced Brainwashing are Null and Void
- Summary of Other Articles and News - July 23, 2005