(Clearwisdom.net) The Chinese nation is a profound and ancient civilization that has lasted more than 5000 years. Since it was seized by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) regime in modern times, however, these traditions have been under constant attack. In this cruel struggle, the philosophy of the CCP, which goes against the grain of traditional Chinese culture, spares no effort to destroy any time-honored practices it deems necessary in order to instill the culture of its evil regime.
As stated in the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party, "The CCP needs to replace human nature with its evil Party nature, and the Chinese traditional culture with its Party culture of 'deceit, wickedness and violence'." The CCP has perpetrated massive deceptions in its wholesale destruction of Chinese culture, confusing many concepts, ideas and even the correct usage of many Chinese words. The following are a few examples.
1. The CCP has Redefined the Term "Revolution"
The Communist Manifesto calls for "revolution" and uses the terms "revolutionary party member," "revolutionary comrade," "revolutionary martyr," "revolutionary tradition," and so on. While the literal meaning of "revolution" in the political context is "the overthrow of one government and its replacement with another," the CCP's uses the term "revolution" to mean "killing."
"Land reform" was in fact the mass murder of the landlord class. "Industrial and commercial transformation" meant killing off the bourgeoisie, and the "cultural revolution" resulted in the insane killing of a multitude of people, even taking the life of Chairman Liu Shaoqi. When party leader Zhao Ziyang disagreed with the slaughter of students in Tiananmen Square on June 4, 1989, he was labeled a "counter-revolutionary." This re-definition of the concept of "revolution" has encouraged the Chinese to have increasingly stronger inclinations toward killing, turning a blind eye to the sanctity of life. Criminal offences have become more and more cruel, and the level of morality is in decline.
CCP propaganda in the media repeatedly uses the word "revolution." It would actually be more appropriate to change it to "murdering people."
2. The Chinese Communist Party Blurs the Distinction between the Party and the Nation of China
When democratic countries criticize the human rights situation and repressive dictatorship in China, the CCP totally dismisses the criticism as "anti-China sentiment." Here the CCP is confusing the concepts of "anti-China" and "anti-communist." It also confuses the concept of China itself, equating the nation with the CCP.
In fact, being "anti-communist" and "anti-China" are completely different. Communism has already announced its failure to the world. The Soviet Union has disintegrated. No one in the rest of the world still believes in the communist nonsense that is used to deceive the people in China. High-ranking officials in the CCP are motivated by the lust for power and profit. What communism has brought to the human world is the chaos caused by war, tyranny, poverty, ignorance, and brutal repression. Being "anti-communist" is the definitive trend throughout today's world, and "extinguishing communism" is a fate that is difficult to defy. The Communist Party does not care at all about what really is "anti-China." "Zhou Enlai could save Sihanouk with one word, but the CCP did not object to the more than 200,000 Chinese who were killed by the Cambodian Communist Party. At the time, the Chinese Cambodians went to the Chinese Embassy for help, but the embassy ignored them." (from the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party, page 218)
The CCP tries in vain to tie itself to the Chinese nation to avoid its imminent collapse. Despite this intentional blurring of distinctions, the "Communist Party" and the "Chinese nation" remain two completely different concepts. China has a long history of 5000 years, but the history of the communist party is only about 100 years. How can such an insignificant political party be mentioned in the same breath as the great Chinese nation?
3. The Communist Party Obscures the Difference Between Party and Country
In the brainwashing propaganda of the Communist Party, you can often see the words "loving the party is patriotic." When the regime encounters a crisis, it sometimes uses the phrase "destroying the party and country." These are very cunning and deceitful phrases, intentionally blurring the line between the CCP and China itself.
Obviously, the CCP is not equal to China. Those who love the party may not always love the country. Conversely, those who love the country may not always love the party. "Destroying the party" is absolutely not "destroying the country." If the CCP were to perish, China would still exist. Many overseas Chinese, who now live all over the world, are against the despotism of the CCP. They appeal for democracy and freedom, and are concerned for the suffering of the Mainland Chinese people. Does their concern make all of these people unpatriotic? Quite the opposite is true. These people are even more patriotic for showing their concern for their fellow Chinese. To view this from another perspective, Jiang Zemin loves the party very much, but he ceded more than one million square kilometers of China's land to Russia, thus becoming the biggest traitor in Chinese history!
In official CCP literature, you often see the phrase "party and country." In fact the Communist Party dominates the country, and it holds the country in a stranglehold that is inconceivable to those living in non-communist societies.
Just like the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party says: "In comparison with China's 5000-year history, the 55 years of the CCP's rule are but the blink of an eye... Only without the Chinese Communist Party will there be a new China. Only without the Chinese Communist Party does China have hope. Without the Chinese Communist Party, the upright and kindhearted Chinese people will rebuild China's historical magnificence."
4. The Communist Party Muddles the Concepts of Party and Society
When the CCP criticizes and slanders its enemies, it habitually uses the terms "anti-party and anti-society." This is typical of how it mixes together two separate concepts, jumbling together the communist party and Chinese society.
The CCP is not the same as Chinese society. Although the CCP is known to have 60 million party members, the majority of this organization is in a state of paralysis. The population of China is more than 1.3 billion, so how can the CCP credibly claim to represent the whole of Chinese society? The CCP arbitrarily declares itself to be "advanced," creates a clamor over Jiang's "Three Represents," and then controls all the media, repeating its propaganda as if it were advertising. All the slogans that the CCP uses to boast about itself are based on either deception or wishful thinking, none of which have ever been endorsed by the populace. The CCP always crows about itself first and then forces the populace to study its claims and acknowledge them. This is no more than the absurd logic of gangsters.
The CCP is unpopular in China, widely scoffed at by people from all walks of life. If the CCP alleges that someone is "anti-party," people sniff and say that it must be correct. Because of such reactions, the CCP adds a bit of camouflage, adding the words "anti-society" after "anti-party" to incite hostility and achieve the Party goal of misleading the public.
To be considered "anti-party" is to do anything that does not participate in or endorse the dirty political struggle that fights for power and profit through any means available. To expose the monstrous crimes of the CCP so that people can save themselves from the poison of the CCP's long term brainwashing is actually something that strengthens society. Thus it is exactly the opposite of being "anti-society" as the CCP claims. In regard to the imminent collapse of the CCP, that is the inescapable law of historical development and the inevitable result of the CCP's excessive acts.
5. The Communist Party Equates itself with the Government
In a well-balanced, democratic country, the government is the main body in charge of managing the nation and society, and public figures from any party need to win a majority of votes after a campaign and subsequent election to be able to hold any important government position. In China, however, the relationship of government and party is inverted: In order to work in any government department, a Chinese person must first join the CCP, or forfeit any chance of having a political future.
In China, "From the central government to the village committees in rural areas, the municipal officials are always ranked lower than the communist cadres, so the municipal governments have to follow instructions from the Communist Party committees of the same level. The expenditures of the Party are supplied by the municipal units and accounted for in the municipal system.... The organization of the CCP, like a giant evil possessing spirit, attaches to every single unit and cell of the Chinese society as tightly as a shadow following an object. It penetrates deeply into every capillary and cell of the society with its finest blood-sucking vessels and thereby controls and manipulates society." (Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party)
The CCP evil possessing spirit has attached itself to Chinese society and controls the Chinese government. In official articles, the CCP often describes itself as "party and government," as in, the "party" leads and the "government" follows. This completely reverses the relationship of government and party.
The CCP controls all levels of government, exploiting and enslaving the populace, and causing the government to degenerate to where its first priority is seeking huge and immediate profits. The CCP calls governmental departments "party and political departments," and most of the highest municipal posts are held concurrently by the Party Committee Secretary. As the function of governing the nation gradually diminishes, its method of dealing with crises often devolves to "murder" and "deception."
6. The CCP Confuses its Relationship with the Army
The CCP regards the army as its "Schutzstaffel" or private police force. It ceaselessly shouts slogans like "the party's absolute leadership of the army" and others. In fact, this kind of relationship of absolute control between the party and the army can only exist in a Hitler-type country.
According to The Real Story of China's Jiang Zemin, "In most modern social systems, the government parties are elected through democratic elections. The other party provides a 'check and balance' for the majority party's correct use of authority. If the country does not do well, the leader may face the danger of impeachment or stepping down."
"In those countries, the army does not belong to any political party, but to the country. The army's inherent responsibilities are maintaining people's freedoms and rights and defending the country. Any battle between the parties, even within any one party, does not involve the army. No matter which party wins the election, the army must give loyalty to the country and obey the command of the nation's highest authority according to the constitution. This is one important reason why governments in democratic countries remain stable, although the political parties and groups struggle mightily among themselves."
"The Chinese army, however, is different from armies in the western world. China actually only has a Party army, not an army of the country. The army is a tool for use in strategies for personal gains. The CCP always talks about 'building the branch on the regiment,' and Mao Zedong already proposed the theory that 'the party directs the gun.' The victor in inner-party political struggles is first decided by who wields the military authority."
7. The Communist Party Confuses its Relationship with the Media
The relationship between the CCP and the media is similar to that of a lord and his servant. The CCP also publicly acknowledges that the media is the "mouthpiece of the Party." This kind of media reporting of truth-altered stories is designed to manipulate the thinking of all who hear it.
There are numerous examples of the violence and lies that are characteristic of the CCP. During the "Great Leap Forward," many slogans were bandied about, such as, "Yields of ten thousand grams per mu," "Producing double the amount of steel," "Surpassing England in ten years," and "Catching up with America in fifteen years." During the "Great Cultural Revolution," Liu Shaoqi was the recognized and responsible "betrayer, traitor, scab." When the SARS epidemic broke, the CCP-controlled media refuted the rumor with the "official story," and the staged "Tiananmen Square self-immolation incident" is full of holes. This form of reporting is reprehensible.
People are no longer disturbed by these falsified news reports. Even a senior reporter of the Xinhua News Agency asked, "How can you believe the reports of the Xinhua News Agency?" The people even describe Chinese media as "the dogs of the CCP." A line in a ballad says, "It is a Party dog, it guards the gate of the Party. Tell it to bite somebody, it will. Tell it to bite many times, it will do it."
The media in a normal society functions as a watchdog. Many a foreign leader has faced stepping down or even going on trial because the media reports exposed corruption. However, the Chinese media are regarded as the "mouthpieces" of the CCP in a warped relationship that is a common characteristic of a communist society.
8. The Social Stability People Hope for is Not the Same "Stability" that the CCP Promotes
Chinese people all hope for social stability, which will enable them to enjoy good and prosperous lives. Knowing this, the CCP repeatedly promotes "stability as the overriding priority" to lull the massive Chinese populace.
Actually the "stability" promoted by the CCP is not the social stability that the people want, but the stability of the Party's own power structure and the accumulation of Party members' personal benefits. You will find it as plain as day if you just look at the CCP's actions and behaviors.
The CCP has ruled China for over fifty years. Social problems have intensified, moral values have declined, the gap between rich and poor has widened tremendously, unemployed workers are everywhere, farmers live in poverty and hardship, crime is rampant and criminals are everywhere, violent evictions leave people homeless, good people are oppressed, embezzlement and corruption are widespread, and the high-ranking party officials are rapidly gaining personal wealth. It is difficult to list them all. Is this the "stability" that people hope for?
The CCP loudly shouts its slogan of "eliminating all unstable factors in their embryonic stage." The real meaning of this slogan is a willingness to kill! Who does this target? Whatever person, belief or action that the CCP deems to be an "unstable factor" will be brutally persecuted.
"During the pro-democracy student movement in 1989, Zhao Ziyang, General Secretary of the CCP Central Committee, had no intention of suppressing the students during the pro-democracy student movement of 1989. It was the eight party elders controlling the CCP who insisted on the suppression. Deng Xiaoping said at the time, 'We will kill 200,000 people in exchange for 20 years of stability.' The '20 years of stability' actually meant 20 years of rule by the CCP. This idea conformed to the CCP's fundamental goal of being a dictatorship, so it was accepted by the CCP." (Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party)
Those who oppose corruption and want democracy and freedom actually become the unstable factors. Workers that protest their lost jobs are unstable factors. People forcibly relocated and appealing for justice according to the law are unstable factors. There are simply too many "unstable factors" for the CCP, while the CCP itself is actually the most unstable factor in society. Chinese society can truly achieve stability only by abandoning the CCP.
The CCP's "stability" and social "stability" are two different concepts. The CCP confuses the two on purpose and then makes "stability" a political slogan and a splendid reason to persecute people.
9. The CCP Altered the Meaning of the Word "Superstition"
In Chinese, the literal meaning of "mi xin" (usually translated as superstition) is to have blind faith. It did not have a negative connotation. Then the Communist Party added the meaning of enslavement. This changed the term to enslaved by superstition, giving it a derogatory meaning.
The Chinese culture has been corrupted by the Communist Party's policies of deceit, wickedness and violence. The Chinese people now generally lack belief and trust in anything. They regard many of the Chinese traditional concepts as being "enslaved in superstition."
The Communist Party states that any phenomenon that does not comply with its theories and cannot be explained by science is a superstition. In fact, the phenomenon of superstition exists all over. The Communist Party blindly believes in the violent theories of Marxism, and students have blind faith in textbooks and teachers, literate people have blind faith in science, and the Chinese people are so superstitious about the number 8 that the Olympics' opening ceremony is scheduled for 8:00 p.m. on August 8, 2008. The Chinese people have many other "superstitious" customs that have been passed down from generation to generation, such as visiting family graves during the Qing Ming festival, ancestor worship on July 14, and many more.
Recent discoveries in the fields of archaeology, astronomy and human science are increasingly challenging people's scientific beliefs. One of my friends is very stubborn. If he hears anyone talk about a mysterious phenomenon that science is unable to explain, he gets a pained expression. Then he says, "Now who still believes these superstitions?"
The real understanding of superstition is clearly explained in the Falun Dafa text Zhuan Falun. Whoever is interested may read the book.
10. The CCP Attaches Many Virulent Meanings to the Word "Politics"
Being a politician outside of China is a very high-level occupation. Inside China, "politician" is a very scary hat to wear. The CCP often alleges that somebody is getting political so that it can criticize and attack that person. The CCP does not allow people to get political, but when the CCP gets political, it actually appears to be upright and frank. Jiang Zemin's "Three Represents" includes "talking politics." Moreover, it was broadly promoted and people were forced to study it.
The word "politics" is explained by the CCP using various meanings. "Politics," muddled in the common people's thinking, may be thought of as follows:
The CCP is the "expert" in politics, but does not allow others to get political. Many pro-democracy people have encountered cruel persecution by the CCP, and the common people basically do not have any political rights.
2) Although the CCP does not allow others to be political, it compels all people to get political. The entire country must "talk politics." Elementary students must join the Young Pioneers, high school students must join the Communist Youth League, all students must study "politics" and memorize it. "Politics" is one of the compulsory tests for graduate student entrance examinations, joining the party is a requirement for holding a cadre post at all levels, a column labeled "political appearance" is in everyone's files, the recent tide of quitting the CCP worldwide is huge, and the CCP pressures people to join the party by any means possible.
3) The CCP actually hates those who truly are not political, such as the large Falun Gong population that believes in "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance," and has no interest in politics. The CCP has labeled them political and so continues a brutal persecution.
Since the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party was published, many Chinese now understood the evil nature of the CCP. They have withdrawn from the CCP and Communist Youth League. To be far away from the CCP and to keep themselves safe from it is certainly the wisest choice for the Chinese people. The CCP is under attack by the tide of people quitting the CCP, so it slanders the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party as getting political. This is purely an attempt to twist the concept of politics.
In fact, real politics must meet a demand for political authority. For example, Arnold Schwarzenegger entered politics to run for governor, President George Bush entered politics to run for president. The goal of the pro-democracy elements in China is to end the CCP one-party system.
Therefore, the tide of people quitting the party caused by the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party is simply a manifestation of the Chinese people's hatred of politics and their desire to be far away from it.
11. To "Fight with Heaven and Earth" is Seen as a Positive Stance by the CCP Propaganda
In recent times, natural and man-made disasters have happened frequently in China. The news phrase "fighting with heaven and earth," which implies that human beings can control any and all natural or man-made disasters, has unexpectedly appeared in certain Chinese local papers. This is laughable. Of course, it is a good idea to encourage people to resist natural calamities and help themselves, but it is unnecessary to use this kind of slogan, which causes people to involuntarily recall the "Great Cultural Revolution" and the "Great Leap Forward."
12. The Real Understanding of "A Benevolent Person is Invincible"
The "Chronicles Of The Heavenly Dragon" describes a well-known truism called "a benevolent person is invincible." This book portrays many life-like, knight-errant characters and many fascinating and peerless martial arts. However, the person with the most powerful martial art is actually not the young one, but an aged monk who sweeps the floor of the Buddhist scripture room in the Shaolin Temple. His martial arts abilities transcend the mortal world, but he is actually unremarkable, not even known by the abbot of the Shaolin Temple.
The real understanding of "a benevolent person is invincible" is actually not focused on martial arts and fighting, but the manifestation of a realm of the cultivator's noble morality. "A benevolent person is invincible" actually means that a cultivator takes fame and fortune lightly, practices morality and grows the soul. Being merciful, this person cannot be the enemy of anyone in the world and he will not treat any person as his own enemy. This is the invincibility of a benevolent person.
This is only my personal understanding and may not be correct. In fact, Falun Gong practitioners are actually typical examples of "a benevolent person is invincible" in real life. The CCP persecutes Falun Gong for no reason and has caused many who follow Falun Gong's principles to become homeless and even lose their lives. However, Falun Gong practitioners still tell people the truth rationally and peacefully and still persist in chastising the murderers in legal ways.
Christianity experienced 300 years of tribulation, but it still endured. The Roman Empire, on the other hand, prevailed for a time, but suffered the wrath of heaven because they persecuted the Christians. The Roman Empire experienced four devastating plagues that killed half of the national population. The Roman Empire then withered away.
Today, the CCP spends one quarter of China's financial resources persecuting Falun Gong. It has destroyed the state economy, destroyed the moral conscience of society and embarrassed itself in affairs of state. The CCP has walked up to perdition and can't turn back.
This article only presents my personal views and limited level of understanding. Please point out any mistakes.
Category: Perspective