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How a Handicapped Child and Her Mother Suffered Persecution in Beijing

Jan. 24, 2006 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner from China

(Clearwisdom.net) I am a handicapped person with brain paralysis. People always laughed at me and ridiculed me so frequently that, more than once, I had the idea of ending my life. My mother and I began Falun Dafa cultivation in 1997. After cultivation, I started to realize the true meaning of life. As I elevated my mind nature, my physical condition and personal image improved a great deal. Falun Dafa gives me the strength to keep on living. For that reason, mother and I did not hesitate about going to Beijing to validate Dafa when Dafa was being slandered and persecuted.

On the evening of October 1, 2001, mother and I went to Tiananmen Square and we spread out Dafa banners. As we raised the banners, some uniformed and plainclothes policemen swarmed all over us. They dragged us to a remote corner where there were few visitors and searched us. They then dispatched a police vehicle to come and haul us away. We were taken to Qianmen Police Station. As we entered the hallway, they took a picture of mother when she was unaware of it. When they were about to take a picture of me, mother became aware and stood in front of me to prevent it. They dragged mother away and locked her in a big cage. Three or four policemen held me down in an effort to take a picture of me. I thought to myself that I couldn't let them do as they wished. I used all my strength to resist. One policeman said he couldn't grip my hair because it was too short. Another police officer said, "Why not just twist her neck and break it?"

Upon seeing this, mother shouted in the cage loudly, "The police are mistreating a handicapped child!" They didn't stop even though they were tearing my undergarments. It went on for half an hour without success in taking my picture. Thus, they put me in the cage. A little later, some policemen took us to a room and wanted to register us. We only told them that we came to tell the government what was on our minds and that "Falun Dafa is good, and we have personally benefited from practicing it." Other than that, we didn't tell them anything. Two plainclothes policemen came in afterwards. One of them took a camera and grabbed mother's hair to take her picture by force. When they were about to take my picture, I walked to them and tried to knock down their camera. They evaded me but couldn't take my picture. Because we didn't tell them our names or address, the police again locked us in the cage.

In a short while, a policeman got us out of the cage and asked for our names and address again. This time his approach was of a milder manner and he also ordered some food for us. We told him that we weren't hungry, that we didn't break any law and that good people shouldn't be locked up here. Realizing he couldn't get what he wanted, he started to threaten us, "You don't know what is best for you and there are many more unyielding people than you. If you don't behave, we have means to deal with you!" He told mother complacently, "We know how to handle people like you and the idiot child. We'll send you to a hospital and give you a shot. You will not know anything about gong. We'll have the CCTV's 'Focal Point' people broadcast a story about a woman with her child practicing Falun Gong and that the normal child has become an idiot."

Mother said, "This is a lie. It is illegal!" He said, "We'll listen to whoever offers us money. I am not afraid to tell you this. All of CCTV's 'Focal Point' news about Falun Gong has come from us, right here. Whatever our superior says you are, that is what will be reported."

We ignored him. They again locked us in the iron cage. There was an elderly fellow practitioner already in the cage. Soon after, they took mother away. I was worried about her and started shouting. After some time they brought mother back. They kept taking mother for questioning all night long. At daybreak, more practitioners were brought in. I saw some male practitioners that were beaten and bloody all over their bodies because they refused to have their pictures taken. Some who were beaten were missing their shoes. They were tearing the clothing of some female practitioners just like they tore mine. I also saw several policemen using batons to beat a female practitioner.

Afterwards, they took mother away again. Meanwhile, from outside the cage, they were trying to take a picture of me in secret. I knew their stated intention of exploiting my handicap, so I turned around and faced the wall to avoid such an occurrence. After a while, mother was brought back to the cage. Mother told me that they had beaten her in an effort to force her to tell them her name and address. When mother refused to tell them, they kicked her in the ribs and lower body. When mother still refused to say anything, they howled, "If you were here a little earlier, I would have killed you already." In the afternoon, one policeman whispered to the other, "Maybe we should just take them to the square, pour gasoline over them and burn them. We'll say they were victims of self-immolation with hopes of going to heaven."

The police tried every means without succeeding to get our names and address. Thus, they had the provincial local liaison offices in Beijing try to identify us, but they could not identify any one of us. The police then dragged us away one by one. I heard a policeman viciously say, "I'll find a good place for you. I just don't believe when you get to the basement your mouths will still be so tight." Mother and I were very surprised that there was a basement where they torture practitioners.

When the two of us were the only people left in the cage, a police chief told us we could go home. It was dark when we were released from the police branch station. We knew we needed to expose their vicious act. We quickly went to a friend's home to tell them what had happened.