The Cruel Means Used to Torture Practitioners at Masanjia Labor Camp
( After reading the recent article on the Clearwisdom website, "Call for practitioners who were released from detention to expose the persecution they suffered while in detention," I had much thought. I have been detained at Masanjia Labor Camp for over two years. Here I'd like to expose the vicious deeds they committed to persecute practitioners.
- Exhaustion by surrounding and attacking. Once a practitioner enters the room, there would be four or five people, sometimes seven to eight, immediately surround him and loudly shout deviant and evil doctrine. The practitioner would not have any time or room to think. The torture would last until he wrote a statement to renounce Falun Gong. Otherwise he was not allowed to return to his room to rest until 1:00 a.m. or 2:00 a.m. Sometimes it lasts the whole night.
- Terrible environment. They locked up determined practitioners in a dark and damp empty room, water house, or warehouse for a long time. Some rooms did not have windows. In addition, they put the most determined practitioners in bathrooms. They had to eat and sleep in there with a little plastic stool as the only furnishing. Sometimes police came in to use the toilet while practitioners were eating. Some had been detained in a bathroom for two or three months, and even six months.
- Physical punishment. Practitioners were forced to stand without sitting; some were forced to squat on a tile that was about one square foot. Some senior practitioners could not squat and refused to do so. The police then pushed them and beat them up. Some were detained in solitary confinement and not allowed to use the toilet. Some had wet pants and were not allowed to change on cold and humid days.
- Forced brainwashing. They were forced to watch videos slandering Dafa and listen to the vicious talks given by so-called experts. They were forced to attend brainwashing in groups. In order to get a bonus from their superiors, the police carried out a so-called "battle against determined practitioners" at the end of each year. They intensified their cruel treatment and took turns attempting to force practitioners to give up their belief. If practitioners still refused to give in, they were not allowed to sleep and were subjected to escalated torture.
- Intense labor. Practitioners were forced to work from 7:00 or 8:00 a.m. until 8:00 or 9:00 p.m. Although they were exhausted, police still often forced them to work until 11:00 p.m. In order to get more money, police forced practitioners to dig holes for planting trees in rural areas or pick corn in the fall for over ten days. They were forced to do this kind of work even when the soil was frozen. All Falun Gong practitioners, young or old, were forced to work from 6:00 a.m. until late at night.
- Forced to work in toxic environments. Police forced practitioners to manufacture handicrafts working with toxic materials. They knew that it was toxic, but still insisted on using it because they could make more money that way. Ignoring the well-being of practitioners, they forced them to work all year round. In the spring and summer, they could open windows for ventilation, but in the winter they could not keep the windows open because of the cold. As a result, they worked in a poorly ventilated poisonous environment all day long. Many practitioners had different degrees of symptoms including allergies, vomiting, shortness of breath, tightness in the chest, swelling, and skin rashes.
- Scarce and stale food. The only food we had was corn biscuits. They were hard, yellow and brownish with a stale smell. They were hard to swallow.
At Masanjia Labor Camp, police used various vicious means to torture practitioners mentally and physically, causing some to become mentally ill and others to develop edema. Some had esophageal hemorrhaging due to the long-term force-feeding.
January 14, 2006