(Clearwisdom.net) Norwegian practitioners recently participated in a health fair in Bergen. The Falun Gong booth was situated next to a woman selling massage chairs. Visitors trying out the chairs often looked around and then spotted the practitioners' posters and flyers as well as the truth clarification video and practitioners' exercises demonstration. As a result, many turned to the practitioners with great interest, asking about Falun Gong. The practitioners handed out flyers and told them about Falun Gong, explaining that it is a method for self-cultivation in which one cultivates the body through exercises and the mind by following the three principals of Truth, Compassion and Tolerance in daily life.
The practitioners also explained that all Falun Gong activities are free of charge. Many visitors responded very positively and were surprised by this. Some said they would love to come and learn Falun Gong.
"Some towns in Norway have Falun Gong practice sites. You can come whenever you like and get a free demonstration of the exercises. It is actually the case that if anyone charges money for teaching the practice, it is definitively not Falun Gong," a practitioner told visitors.
An important reason for local practitioners to attend the health fair was to clarify the truth about the persecution in China. While some visitors had heard about the persecution of Falun Gong in China, many people knew nothing about the practice or the persecution. The more people that get to know the truth about the persecution, the sooner it will end. The more people that know that it is vicious and that there is no logical explanation for persecuting practitioners, the harder it gets for the Chinese Communist Party to maintain the persecution. That is why practitioners all over the world are trying to expose the persecution, appealing to governments and organizations to help stop this persecution.
Originally published in Norwegian at: http://no.clearharmony.net/articles/200509/750.html
Source http://clearharmony.net/articles/200601/30823.html
Category: Parades & Other Community Events