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Germany: An Open Letter to Former Premier of Singapore Li Guangyao from Falun Gong Human Rights Group

Oct. 8, 2006

Dear Mr. Li Guangyao:

It is known to us that you will attend the opening ceremony of the "Hamburg Summit," which will be held from September 13th to 15th. We, representing the German branch of the Falun Gong Human Rights organization, would like to urge you and the Singaporean government to withdraw the unreasonable accusation against Falun Gong practitioners. We sincerely hope that the Singaporean government can recognize the truth about Falun Gong and avoid becoming an accomplice of China's persecution against Falun Gong practitioners.

Ever since Li Lanqing's visit to Singapore was reported by news media on May 28th, the Singaporean authorities have been trying to please the Chinese communist regime and Li Lanqing. Li used to work as the head of the 610 Office, which was specifically established by the Chinese communist regime to persecute Falun Gong. To interfere with Falun Gong's activities, the Singaporean government has carried out a series of incidents, including deporting Falun Gong practitioners. On July 10th, soon after Li Lanqing completed his visit, the Singaporean government filed fabricated charges against nine local Falun Gong practitioners for "illegal assembly" because the practitioners clarified the truth about the persecution peacefully last October. On July 20th, the government also unlawfully arrested and prosecuted three Falun Gong practitioners who went on hunger strike in front of the Chinese Embassy to Singapore.

Through reports of international media and truth-clarification efforts of Singaporean Falun Gong practitioners during the past seven years, we believe that the Singaporean government should have understood perfectly about the persecution suffered by millions of innocent Falun Gong practitioners in China. The government should have also known that the Chinese authorities had committed crimes of genocide and torture against the Falun Gong group and Chinese citizens. The persecution has drawn significant worldwide attention.

The book the "Nine Commentaries on the Chinese Communist Party" published by the Epoch Times has made a lot of Chinese people think hard about the question of who has brought so many disasters to China and the world during the past fifty years. More and more Chinese people are awakening. For example, Mr. Chen Yonglin, a former diplomat of China's Embassy to Australia, and Mr. Hao Fengjun, a former police officer in the "610 Office", have departed from the Chinese communist regime and sought asylum in Australia. In addition, there have been more than thirteen million Chinese people who registered themselves on the website of the Epoch Times to quit various organizations of the Chinese Communist Party. As the evil conduct of the Chinese communist regime were exposed to the world, especially the validated large-scale organ-harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners, people in the world are severely shocked and they have started to recognize the true face of the Chinese communist regime.

It is very regretful to know that the Singaporean government, which has been proud of its dedication to democracy and independence, decided to prosecute Singaporean citizens who exercised their basic rights of freedom in expressions to expose the persecution of the Chinese communist regime. Ever since the start of the persecution in July, Falun Gong practitioners and human rights organizations around the world have constantly urged the Singaporean authorities to withdraw the charges against Falun Gong practitioners so that the government wouldn't become an accomplice to the persecution. However, the authorities have failed to uphold Singapore's democracy and independence. Instead, the government has submitted itself to the Chinese communist regime over the Falun Gong issue, completely disregarding the norms of rights and freedom protected by the Singaporean Constitution and international laws.

We understand that you play a pivotal role in formulating Singapore's policies, especially the policy toward China. You also have crucial influence on Singapore's attitude toward the Falun Gong group. In view of upholding international human rights, we sincerely hope that you can facilitate the withdrawal of the charges and reinstate the reputation of these Falun Gong practitioners.

At the same time, we also hope that the Singaporean government can fully recognize the current situation and stop participating in the persecution against Falun Gong actively or passively, such that Singapore's international image and the country's future would not be sacrificed. It is not too late. Please pay respect to and safeguard the basic rights and freedom of Falun Gong practitioners. Please abandon obsolete notions or practices and start taking liberal, open, democratic attitudes to deal with the ever-increasing support that Falun Gong is receiving from the entire world. We believe this is a sensible way, as it will bring good fortune to Singaporeans. As a country that declares itself to be a democratic, independent government, Singapore should also do well in handling the Falun Gong issue so that Singapore would not fall short of its democracy and independence.

Source: http://clearharmony.net/articles/200610/35794.html