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Mr. Zhang Guibiao From Changchun City, 51, Persecuted to Death

Oct. 8, 2006

(Clearwisdom.net) Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Zhang Guibiao, 51, lived in Chaoyang District, Changchun City, Jilin Province. He started practicing Falun Dafa in 1998. When he went to Beijing to appeal and to clarify the truth in 2000, he was arrested and sentenced to three years in Chaoyanggou Forced Labor Camp.

On April 12, 2004, Mr. Zhang was arrested by Changchun City State Security agents while producing truth-clarifying materials. They put a face mask over his head and took him to an unknown place. They tortured him by cuffing his hands behind his back, forcing him to sit on a tiger bench, and exposing him to freezing conditions. He was later sent to Tiebei Detention Center in Changchun City, where he was detained for 18 months. There were four other practitioners arrested along with him. Among them, Mr. Jiang Yong was tortured to death in July 2004 inside the Detention Center.

On February 3, 2006, the Chaoyang District Court held a 30-minute trial, and sentenced Mr. Zhang Guibiao to nine years in prison. They transferred him to Shiling Prison in Siping City. Mr. Zhang used to be very healthy and strong, but by the time he entered Shiling Prison, he had been tortured severely and looked like an old man in his 60's. The doctor said that he had late-stage lung cancer and would live less than six months.

Despite the diagnosis, Shiling Prison would not release him. They transferred him to the Tiebei Police Hospital. On July 12, 2006, Mr. Zhang Guibao was close to death. His family strongly requested to have him released. The Prison Administration let him be "bailed out for medical treatment" to avoid being held responsible for his death.

During Mr. Zhang Guibiao's detention, his old father (in his 80s) was eager every day to see his son released. Finally, his son came home, but he was as thin as a skeleton. Mr. Zhang was bed-ridden, he could not sleep, eat or drink normally, he could not take care of himself, and he suffered terrible pain constantly. He died on September 12, 2006.

Shiling Prison in Siping City, operator, 86-434-5462211, 86-434-5462364, 86-434-5463712 , 86-434-5462212
Officer Sun Yanqing (male, in charge of Mr. Zhang Guibao's case), 86-13943463527 (Cell)
Prison head Li Wendong (male), 86-434-5469002
Prison head Gao Ping, 86-13904341008 (Cell), 86-434-5465001 (Home)
Prison head assistant Lan Lijun (male), 86-434-6112116 (Home)
Prison building manager Liu Xiangwu (male), 86-434-5469008 (Office), 86-434-6167899 (Home)