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Believe in Master and the Fa, No Test Is Too Hard to Pass

Feb. 22, 2006

(Clearwisdom.net) "...with the Master and the Fa here what is there to fear?" This sentence registered in my brain after reading Falun Dafa, Lectures in Sydney. Especially after July 20, 1999, when the evil began to persecute Falun Gong, these words helped me to overcome many tribulations and make it this far.

Due to my shortcomings in cultivation, my xinxing is not solid. I had strong fear. I had many omissions that attracted evil interference. When the evil began to persecute me, Master's words "...with the Master and the Fa here what is there to fear?" would come to my mind. Then my fear would be gone. When facing evildoers, I would find the wisdom to overcome difficulties.

On April 16, 2000, four of us went to the county government to clarify the truth about Falun Gong. I was the only one who had a job. The other three practitioners were unemployed, and the police illegally arrested me and put me in a detention center. On a deeper level, I had a strong fear, and the evil saw it and took advantage of it. In the detention center, more than a dozen practitioners continued to study the Fa and do the exercises. The police/guards tried to stop us and threatened to handcuff our hands behind our backs and push us outdoors (the April weather was still chilly, and it even snowed). We refused to comply with their orders, put on some warm clothes and went outside to do the exercises. The guards realized that we would not compromise, and they therefore left us alone. In the end, we established an environment for cultivation. After I left the detention center, the county government decided to fire me from work. They said, "If you give up Falun Gong, you can keep your job." Based on my firm belief in Master and Dafa, I said no to their request, I would never abandon Dafa. As a result, they terminated my employment. At first, they said I could receive only a living allowance, but in the end, they gave me a three-level pay reduction.

On February 21, 2001, I went out to post truth-clarifying material. Some people saw me and tried to report me to the authorities. I went to clarify the truth to them directly. After listening to me, they told me to go home. But on February 23, when I went to work at my company, the police arrested me. I was sent to the detention center for the second time. I looked inside myself for omissions. Although I clarified the truth to them, I also said something that deviated from Dafa out of fear and self-protection. My excuse was that I had many truth-clarification materials and Dafa books at home, and I couldn't let them search my home. But the root cause of my omissions were still fear and selfish motives. So in the end, the evil took advantage and sent me to the detention center.

On the third day of my detention, the head of the county 610 Office (now serving a ten-year sentence himself) was collecting evidence to prepare my job termination. He used my family members to try to force me to compromise. Eight or nine of my family members came to see me. Father was crying like a child, mother was really worried, and my husband threatened to divorce me. Without a job, how could I survive in the future? I immediately realized why all these were coming to me. I looked at my husband and said, "If no one wants me, I can go out and beg for food. Even Buddha Sakyamuni led his disciples to beg for food. If I were pushed to do that, I wouldn't feel ashamed." My reaction disappointed them. A police section chief said, "You better plan to stay here for a long time." Based on their deviated notions from Chinese Communist Party (CCP) culture, my family members blamed me for being selfish.

Master saw my firm heart and intervened. My husband soon changed his attitude. When the detention center refused to let us go after our terms were up, my husband wrote to me, "Don't worry about your job. So many people are out of work, just take it as early retirement. As long as you come home alive, we are still a family."

The day after I was released, I was told to go back to work. I was not fired, despite the fact that the 610 Office head had announced to county government officials that I was fired. Everyone I knew thought I had been fired. The leader in my work area announced my return to work in a special all-hands meeting. Even after I returned, the employees' name list still didn't have my name. From this, I realized the meaning of the two sentences: "When disciples' righteous thoughts are strong, Teacher's mighty power can help them do everything" (Provisional translation of 'The Kindness of Master and Disciples' from Hongyin II, a collection of Teacher's poems).

In 2003, my boss told me to apply for a certificate for personal computer proficiency. If I refused, people would say that I was weird, so I turned in an application. Actually, I didn't know anything about PCs, but Dafa gave me wisdom, so I learned very quickly and got very good grades in the examination. At the end of October, I was preparing for the application. One day my leader asked me to write a promise not to practice Falun Gong before he submitted my application to the higher authorities. He said if I refused, he would not submit it. I told him, "Please return my application fee (300 yuan); I withdraw. The certificate is nothing more than a paper that gives me a pay raise. If I lose my life, I will have nothing left. It's impossible for me to stop Falun Gong." He refused to refund my money. A colleague volunteered to write a promise on my behalf, I said no. Several months later, my certificate was approved. My colleagues were very happy, "You refused to write that, yet they still approved you." This incident verified once again that if we have solid faith in Dafa, we won't lose anything that we deserve.

One day in March 2005, a practitioner colleague and I were clarifying the truth to some students and asked them to quit from the Communist Youth Pioneers. Because we were somewhat impatient and not careful, the evil took advantage of us. On the afternoon of March 31, the police arrested my colleague. The next day at 10:00 a.m., they came back to arrest me. I was panicky when the police first came, but immediately I recalled Master's words, "...with the Master and the Fa here what is there to fear?" Right away I calmed down. Several policemen rushed into my office, and searched my body and desk. I sat there, sending forth righteous thoughts, asking Master for support. When they asked me to leave, I refused, so four or five of them carried me to the police car.

In Section One of the police department, I sat there and kept silent for more than one hour. I did not answer anything they asked, and just sent forth righteous thoughts and asked Master to empower me to eliminate the evil. A policeman wanted to talk to me. I did not acknowledge anything he said, but I sent forth righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil elements that controlled him. At some key moments, I would briefly say a few words to counter him. After less than 20 minutes, he could not find anything new to say. He kept silent for the rest of the afternoon.

During their lunch break, the police assigned two persons to watch me. I picked up my book to study the Fa and recite the Fa. As a practitioner, we can't pass the tests if we forget the Fa. I regretted that I had not memorized more of the Fa.

In "Don't Be Sad", Hongyin II, Master says,

"Calmly reflect on how many attachments you have
As you get rid of human mentality, evil naturally disappears"
(Provisional translation)

I calmed down and examined why I had gotten arrested. Master also told us, "validate the Fa with reason, clarify the truth with wisdom, and spread the Fa and offer people salvation with benevolence" ("Rationality"). I realized that when I was impatient, I became a little bit irrational. Because my Fa study effort was not sufficient or my mind was not calm, I didn't have enough wisdom while clarifying the truth; I became lazy, and didn't want to do the exercises; my heart was not calm when studying the Fa.

Master says in "What Is There to Be Afraid of" Hongyin II

"If you have fear, it will seize you;
As soon as your thoughts are righteous, the evil will collapse;
As a cultivator, bear the Fa in mind;
Send forth righteous thoughts, the rotten demons are blasted away;
The gods are in the human world, to validate the Fa."
(Provisional translation)

I realized how great our Master must be, and that I am a Dafa disciple. So all of a sudden I became very huge. What kind of thing is the evil anyway - it doesn't even take a little finger to crush it.

I asked Master to rescue me. Although I had omissions, what I was doing was the most righteous thing: saving sentient beings. If they lock me up, then I would not be able to save so many beings outside. The evil doesn't deserve to test me in any way. I began to send forth righteous thoughts; I would clean up all the evil elements, dark minions, rotten demons, the CCP evil spirit and the CCP influence in other dimensions that are persecuting Dafa disciples, including everything and leaving out nothing. If I were not here, I would never have such a good chance to send forth righteous thoughts in close proximity to the evil. I told myself, "I will defend Dafa with my life. I will not eat and drink anything in this place." For the whole afternoon, I kept sending forth righteous thoughts, studied the Fa, and recited the Fa, looking for my own omissions. I completely refused to comply with any of the evils' demand, orders and requests.

At 7:00 p.m., the authorities failed to get anything from me, so they set me free. Therefore, with Master's protection, I returned home with dignity.

This experience has further strengthened my belief in Dafa. As long as we believe in Master and in Dafa, and if we continue to solidify our righteous thoughts, the evil will not dare to touch us.

Just like Master said in "Teaching the Fa at the Western U.S. International Fa Conference" (2005)

"So as a cultivator, what is truly remarkable is when you can be steadfast and have righteous thoughts so firm that nothing can sway you. Be solid and firm like diamond, or granite, and then nothing can affect you--evil will be afraid at the mere sight of you. If upon encountering trying circumstances your thinking can be truly righteous, then, when faced with the evil's persecution and when faced with interference, just one sentence of yours fortified with steadfast righteous thoughts can instantly make the evil disintegrate (applause), and it will make those who are being used by the evil turn and flee, it will make the evil's persecution of you dissolve, and it will make the evil's interfering with you disappear without a trace. "

From now on, I will be more diligent; I will put forward my best effort in cultivating myself, and in doing the three things that Master told us to do. I will not disappoint Master's great salvation.