Falun Gong practitioners protest outside the meeting venue
(Clearwisdom.net) On March 29, a Chinese delegation headed by Wang Ying, deputy mayor of Shenyang, held a meeting with members of Federation of Canadian Chinese professionals. When questioned about the killing of Falun Gong practitioners for organs inside the Sujiatun Concentration Camp, Wang neither gave a direct answer nor denied the existence of the camp. During the meeting, dozens of practitioners protested the atrocities outside the venue and distributed related materials to raise awareness of the camp.
During the time for questions, a reporter from New Tang Dynasty TV (NTDTV) asked: "Mr. Mayor, overseas medias recently reported that there is a secret concentration camp in Sujiatun District of Shenyang city. The camp once detained more than 6,000 Falun Gong practitioners. To date, more than 4,000 have been killed for their organs, which were sold for profit and their bodies then cremated to destroy evidence. Have you heard about this?"
Wang Ying deflected the question: "Have you seen it yourself?
The report said: "There are now two witnesses who have stepped forward to testify about this. One is a former state agent who fled from China. He learned about this through many different channels. Another witness' ex-husband was a doctor at the Liaoning Provincial Thrombosis Hospital and did organ removals from people that were still alive at the time."
Wang interrupted the reporter and said: "I don't believe this." The reporter replied: "So would you be willing to accept an investigation by the international community?"
At this point, the reporter's microphone was snatched away by the host, who said: "I am the host, and we don't allow questions regarding these kinds of issues."
The NTDTV reporter was then forced to sit down by another organizer of the meeting and was not allowed to ask any more questions to Wang.

After the meeting, the reporter approached Wang and asked him why he shied away from questions about the persecution of Falun Gong in China. Wang remained silent and rushed to the elevator.
In the hallway, practitioners also tried to hand Wang Ying and his group members overseas media reports on the Sujiatun Concentration Camp. Outside the meeting venue, practitioners protested the persecution and exposed the atrocities happening in the Sujiatun Concentration Camp through a megaphone.
Practitioner Jinan Liu participated in the protest. He said: "I am a Shenyang citizen and I know that Sujiatun is a district of Shenyang. The atrocities happening in the Sujiatun Concentration Camp is shocking and cannot be tolerated. The visit to Toronto offers the deputy mayor of Shenyang and his delegation a good opportunity to learn about the truth of the persecution, as the news in China is controlled by the Chinese Communist Party. As a high-ranking government official, we hope that he will view this issue with his conscience and do what he can to help end the persecution."
Category: Organ Harvesting