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Some Thoughts on the Evil Persecution at Sujiatun

April 3, 2006 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner from Mainland China

(Clearwisdom.net) After reading articles on Clearwisdom.net exposing the evil persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners at Sujiatun, Shenyang, some of our local Dafa practitioners shared their understandings. Below are some of them.

After reading the report, the first thing everybody felt was extreme shock and anger. We all thought of one question: Why is such an inhuman and cruel act in this human world being used to persecute cultivators? In other words, why is such a cruel thing allowed to exist in this world, persecuting such a great number of victims? Even though this is something that was arranged by the old forces, why didn't the righteous Gods stop this horrible atrocity? Later on, we thought about it more and then began to see the situation more clearly. It is absolutely wrong for the old forces to use such horrible methods to persecute cultivators during the Fa-rectification period. There is no way for us to accept this evil conduct. However, we are also aware that in human history, especially in China's contemporary history, there are records of incidents of human beings eating other human beings. Nothing in this world happens without a reason or arrangement. The old universe arranged such a cruel thing to happen at this time. Is it because they could use it to create a so-called test for Dafa practitioners today?

Many practitioners felt extremely shocked and angry after reading the articles from the Minghui/Clearwisdom website. But, why didn't we have the same feelings when the evil forces first began to persecute our Teacher and Dafa? Do we, deep down inside our hearts, think that our own lives are more important or bigger than the Fa? If we, during these past seven years, did a good job on the three things, would this horrible persecution have happened?

Nevertheless, this extremely cruel persecution has happened. This makes us see our own shortcomings. From now on, we should do the following things even better:

  1. "Ordinary people have to fundamentally change their way of thinking" (Lunyu from Zhuan Falun, Translated by North American Practitioners, 2003). We need to truly let go of self and melt into the Fa as a particle, view the Fa from the perspective of the Fa, assimilate ourselves to Dafa, validate and protect the Fa during the process of doing the three things, fundamentally deny the arrangements of the old forces, and take the path of cultivation of the righteous Fa as arranged by our Teacher. We live for Dafa, so we can only be safe if we melt into Dafa completely.
  2. "The Closer to the End, the More Diligent You Should Be." We cannot be complacent, even for a moment. Everyone should do the three things well daily. We should send righteous thoughts more often and strengthen efforts in exposing the evil. The crimes at the concentration camp at Sujiatun, Shenyang and the like are among the top lists of evil deeds that we should expose. By doing this, we can warn and save everyday people, while simultaneously helping to rescue Dafa practitioners who are still detained at detention centers and prisons and are being persecuted.
  3. We should distribute the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party to more places, clarify the truth to more people, and help eliminate the obstacles that prevent them from listening to the truth.

The above are our understandings. If there is anything that is not quite right, please kindly let us know.